DiamondFire – CREATE YOUR OWN MINIGAMES!!! That’s Amazing Right? Great Staff Great Players! Support Are Always On! Have Fun!
DiamondFire – CREATE YOUR OWN MINIGAMES!!! That’s Amazing Right? Great Staff Great Players! Support Are Always On! Have Fun!
Currently under maintenance due to a couple what so call bugs and we are also looking for currently only three new admins when are website “which is also not up yet” is up and running you shall be able to register for the part of being an admin for our server :D.
A free friendly minecraft server; no donation requests, no registration – simple clean fun. plugins are askyblock, Backpacks-0.1.3, BarAPI, BedHome, BowSpleef, Chairs, ChestShop, Clearlag, ClockworkPlanter, ColoredSigns, CraftArrows, CreeperHeal-6.8.1, Easybaguette, EnchantedCustoms, EnjinMinecraftPlugin, Essentials-2.x-SNAPSHOT, EssentialsAntiBuild-2.x-SNAPSHOT, EssentialsChat-2.x-SNAPSHOT, EssentialsGeoIP-2.x-SNAPSHOT, EssentialsProtect-2.x-SNAPSHOT, Factions, fuelbomb, Hub, LegendaryArmor, LegendaryWeapons, MassiveCore, multiworld, MyEssentials_R1.6.1, NightVisionReloaded, NoCheatPlus, PandasLaunchPad, ParachutePlus, PermissionsEx-1.23.3, PingAPI, Prison, SilkSpawners, SimplyFireworks_v1.1, SkullTurret, SuperHub-5-1.8.4, TuxTwoLib, UltimatePluginUpdater, Vault, worldedit-bukkit-6.1, worldguard-6.1
Join Today We have Custom Enchants: /ce Also Pv’s: /pv 1, ect. PvP!, Factions!, and so much more join today! Invite friends to play! Raiding Factions. Make your own custom armor!
Me And a few of my Friends Decied to make a server. It has minigames (SurvivalGames and InsanityRun) More will be added. Factions, Plotme and go old Survival. ENJOY 🙂
LuminousMc is a small based semi-op sky block server! We have giveaways, nice staff, custom plugins and amazing builds! Donate: luminousdonate.buycraft.net Website: www.luminousmc.com Help: [email protected]
MythicCraft is a cool server with amazing staff that has: Towny, Hunger Games, Kit PvP, PvP, Survival and a lot of custom plugins! We have custom magic wands and more!
Mercypvp.com is a faction server with pvp and raiding and will never close since i will pay for it for ages, it will have a growing community and a bunch of events
Qurza Craft is a great PVP factions raiding sever, with many great plugins and an excellent team of staff who are constantly making the server better. Plugins like mcMMO also add to the factions gameplay.
Join our server to have fun! Amazing players and youtubers are allowed to have fun? come and join our server today the ip is up above it is fun also not payed to win, cheap ranks and good kits! Come and join Apocolypse Factions Today! for more information come and look on out website @ http://apocolypsefactions.enjin.com/home and for other information check out my youtube channle there will be updates and more there! @ http://www.youtube.com/user/MrBradster176