This server features the true Minecraft vanilla hardcore survival gameplay.
Community-driven hardcore experience, while most hardcore servers relied on temp bans for their hardcore gameplay, this server does not, if you are dead you can’t play anymore, but there is a solution! You can vote on the discord server to decide when to reset the world, ensuring that every new adventure is as exciting and unpredictable as the last one.
Anti-cheat, the anti-cheat software will ensure an even playing field for all players, and keeping the true Minecraft gameplay fair for everyone is the number one priority.
New world generation, with the power of Terralith, you will be able to experience vanilla Minecraft with a fresh coat of paint on the world.
Join our discord community and have a say in the server’s evolution, participate in community discussion, ns and vote for world reset. https://discord.gg/KYhM59N6M2
Embrace the unforgiving nature of Minecraft, a testament to your skills and determination.