**Before going any further, realize we are running the development craftbukkit for 1.5 so there are bugs and not all plugins listed are open because they aren’t up to date.**
We are just wanting to play, socialize and simply have fun. We have a little bit of everything.
We use multiverse so you can play with your friends doing a variety of things:
– PvP (and yes we have hunger games) – Adventure maps (on scheduled days) – Building till your heart is content.
We have also added to our server. A new spawn and a fresh look. We added a mob arena (with and without plugin). Currently working on a Capture the Flag. There is an arena and 3 working on 4 hunger games.
So go ahead and come check us out at HouseTargaryen.mcservers.ws
Thanks for taking a look and if you have any questions you can direct them to Lanna1981, Truetone, or Highsideqc