Holi Cylinder Minecraft Servers

Holi Cylinder Minecraft Servers

  • Voltzmc network

    Voltzmc network
    Players: 100/700 Votes: 8671
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 7 Fairy Circles Danced In: 8
    Wilderness Tamed: 17 Titanic Battles Fought: 28
    Talking Trees Consulted: 6 Epic Quests Completed: 27
    Evil Lairs Raided: 8 Warrior Spirits Summoned: 39
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 2 Dark Rituals Completed: 6
    Living Shadows Defeated: 3 Endless Mazes Conquered: 3
    Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 15 God-Killer Bows Constructed: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Server HCF Compatible con Minecraft Java y Minecraft BedrockJava versions: 1.7-1.20Bedrock Versions: 1.20

    IP Java: voltznw.ddns.net:19133

    IP Bedrock: voltznw.dds.net

    Port Bedrock: 19133


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  • GTWs MineStalgia Server

    GTWs MineStalgia Server
    Players: 91/800 Votes: 559
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Astral Staffs Crafted: 8 Chimeras Created: 2
    Werewolf Howls Heard: 2 Elemental Crystals Collected: 41
    Phantom Ships Sailed: 3 Gorgon Shields Crafted: 2
    Haunted Mirrors Gazed Into: 4 Glorious Feasts Held: 11
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 3 Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 10
    Dark Rituals Completed: 10 Ancient Guardians Awoken: 3
    Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 2 Rainbows Spotted: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    About The Server: We are just a very small Survival World Minecraft server started by a group of friends around the world!

    Server Versions: We suggest 1..16-1.16.5, but we allows support for versions down to 1.8! Bedrock: Always Latest Version. (If outdated please wait a bit so we can update to the newest version)

    Java Server IP: playgtw.net Bedrock Server IP: bedrock.playgtw.net Our Discord: https://discord.gg/NaYx98nbdG


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  • ❤️ MCSKILL ✨ HARDEVOLUTION 1.16.5 🔥 WIP 27.10 Minecraft server

    ❤️ MCSKILL ✨ HARDEVOLUTION 1.16.5 🔥 WIP 27.10 Minecraft server
    Players: 91/100 Votes: 1326
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 5 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 6
    Witch’s Brew Drunk: 5 Endless Legions Commanded: 36
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Goblin Markets Raided: 3
    Epic Bosses Defeated: 0 Dragonkin Hatched: 1
    Gorgon Shields Crafted: 4 Reality-Bending Puzzles Solved: 2
    Cursed Gauntlets Discovered: 5 Celestial Events Witnessed: 2
    Moonlit Rituals Performed: 4 Cursed Lands Purified: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    HardEvolution – evolution from Antiquity to Modern times.

    You have to go through all stages of human development – from the invention of the first wheel to the discovery of electricity.

    Thanks to a large number of mods, locations and quests, you can fully immerse yourself in the most interesting world of industrialization with exciting elements of magic and adventure!

    Despite the name, the server is not complex, but represents and draws an analogy with the complex and difficult evolution of humanity.

    Improve your survival skills and discover new technologies, because maybe you will be the one to discover the mysterious 5th era…

    Assembly concept

    The concept of the build is based on the gradual evolution of the player with the gradual discovery of objects, dimensions, crafts and capabilities. As you open a new era/stage you will unlock:

    Dimensions – until you open a dimension, you will not be able to get into it in any way: teleportation through a team, through portals, teleportation to a player, etc.

    For example: the hell dimension will open to you from the 2nd era, 1st substage

    Items – until you open an item, you will not be able to use it in any way: hold it in your hand, see it in JEI, pick it up from the ground, etc.

    For example: you cannot use any electronic equipment until the 4th stage of evolution.

    Crafts – until you open a craft, you will not be able to use it, and it will also be hidden in JEI.

    For example: vanilla crafting of boards will be available to you from the 2nd era.

    Opportunities – you cannot use blocks with an interface if they are higher than your stage of evolution.

    For example: you cannot use the stove until the 2nd stage of evolution

    The generation of ores is distributed across all worlds and contains ores only from the era to which it belongs.

    For example: in the normal world you can only find: copper, tin, 4 types of coal and emeralds. Iron is generated in the Forest and Cave World.

    The type of your occupation is also closely related to the era. In Antiquity, you do everything manually, without any automation, crafting is tedious and time-consuming, you create everything from scratch from different materials. However, in the Renaissance, thanks to the Create mod, you can build an entire cake factory that will feed the entire server.

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  • VentureX Anarchy

    VentureX Anarchy
    Players: 98/800 Votes: 8807
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Alien Abductions: 2 Hidden Sanctuaries Discovered: 2
    Dragons Tamed: 2 Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 4
    Endless Minecart Rides Taken: 5 Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 3
    Spontaneous Duels Fought: 8 Magic Wands Crafted: 12
    Corrupted Trees Chopped: 1 Demonic Pacts Formed: 0
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 7 Mythical Swords Crafted: 80
    Emeralds Found: 5606 Dragon Eggs Found: 8430

    New Minecraft Servers

    Newest Anarchy Server running 9/24/2020 on Minecraft running on latest edition made to give players freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. Still growing stop by if you can there is no wait!

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  • Cloud craft

    Cloud craft
    Players: 102/900 Votes: 2637
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Spells Gone Horribly Wrong: 9 Talking Trees Consulted: 6
    Rune Stones Activated: 5 Cuddly Creatures Pet: 27
    Giant Mushrooms Cultivated: 3 Magical Moments Shared: 5
    Bizarre Potions Brewed: 11 Dimensional Rifts Closed: 2
    Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 36 Dragon Hoards Looted: 3
    Omnipotent Charms Created: 3 Epic Weapons Forged: 9
    Votes: 3502 Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 2

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  • Ezkidtrix

    Players: 90/900 Votes: 644
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Battle Standards Raised: 8 Divine Relics Bestowed: 11
    Magical Beanstalks Grown: 4 Cursed Statues Activated: 2
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 11 Lost Souls Rescued: 5
    Mythical Quests Completed: 46 Mythical Creatures Tamed: 5
    Epic Battles Fought: 7 Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 1
    Enchanted Forests Planted: 8 Unicorn Sightings: 1
    Infinite Doors Opened: 2 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 34

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome To Ezkidtrix! This is a minecraft server made for your entertainment so join and have fun. We have survival and creative so it is pretty cool and also really big creative plots for you to build on! Also lag machines and things like that will result in a permanent ban.

    Gamemodes: Creative Plots KitPvP Survival

    Rules: No lag machines No hacking/cheating No cussing Be a good person on the server/try to help out other players

    If you have any questions or found a bug tell GreenSkittles23 the server owner!


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  • Shadow of a Quantum Minecraft server

    Shadow of a Quantum Minecraft server
    Players: 107/500 Votes: 5298
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 11 Epic Mounts Acquired: 5
    Soul Swords Wielded: 5 Crystal Palaces Visited: 1
    Blood Moons Survived: 2 Glitched Entities Encountered: 3
    Meteor Showers Witnessed: 3 Buildings Constructed: 33
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 2 Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 0
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 5 Living Shadows Defeated: 5
    Love Letters Sent: 1 Chaos Gates Opened: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    A technical server with a focus on free construction, fishing, leisure and just having fun. Farm achievements, collections. Stable economy: all types of trade, exchanges are allowed and there is no price control. Even donations and distributions are allowed. Integration of mods and new recipes, the server does not stand still, it is constantly evolving. Reworked mechanics for the server and various innovations Increased standard generators and reactors, as well as Eu/Rf/J conversion. Some mods, recipes, and self-recordings have been heavily reworked. There are no wipes.

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  • Project Vanilla

    Project Vanilla
    Players: 98/100 Votes: 4369
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Powerful Allies Recruited: 3 Astral Orbs Gathered: 9
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 5 Living Shadows Defeated: 2
    Astral Amulets Crafted: 27 Cursed Taverns Survived: 4
    Rune Stones Activated: 5 Ancient Relics Unearthed: 407
    Phantom Ships Sailed: 2 Vanishing Items Found: 8
    Holy Grails Found: 1 Forbidden Tomes Read: 4
    Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 23 Divine Spears Created: 11

    New Minecraft Servers

    Project Vanilla is a Minecraft SMP on Java that is launched on 9/21. We are forming a community of players who love playing and building up a server over time, we take inspiration from how the Hermits on HermitCraft interact and build their worlds. We are using a few plugins to aid in gameplay, this includes single-player sleep and a few others. We are a PVE server but friendly competition and planned and agreed upon PVP is fine. We are looking for people who love Minecraft and want an easy-going and friendly environment to play in. There is a Shopping district located in a mushroom biome next to spawn and a Gaming District is just next door. We have a nether transportation system on the nether roof.

    Our Moderators also try to host server-wide events most weekends to encourage players to keep playing and building our community.

    Message me on discord or join our discord server! my discord is: racerbot#6261

    Project Vanilla Discord is: https://discord.gg/B2eWUc

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  • Serenitymc

    Players: 104/300 Votes: 2006
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Immortal Potions Brewed: 7 Divine Relics Bestowed: 9
    Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 24 Eldritch Abominations Befriended: 0
    Battle Standards Raised: 14 Arcane Towers Raised: 1
    Potions Brewed: 132 Goblin Armies Outwitted: 10
    Crystal Palaces Visited: 1 Enchantments Applied: 158
    Forbidden Relics Collected: 2 Void Gems Collected: 37
    Magic Crystals Found: 19 Endermen Teleportation Errors: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    If you’re looking for a server where you can just play survival, meet new people, and have a good time, we’re a great choice! Our server has a welcoming community, land-claim systems, jobs, ranks, and so much more!Java: Play.SerenityMC.euBedrock: Play.SerenityMC.eu Port: 37886


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  • SurvivorMc

    Players: 109/800 Votes: 3372
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Mythical Swords Crafted: 50 Underground Cities Explored: 1
    Goblin Markets Raided: 7 Sunfire Helmets Forged: 7
    Rainbows Spotted: 5 Cozy Campfires Lit: 11
    Twisted Realms Survived: 3 Cursed Diamonds Mined: 4
    Ancient Dragons Awakened: 3 Heavenly Choirs Heard: 3
    Cursed Swords Broken: 1 Wizards Turned into Frogs: 1
    Unicorn Sightings: 0 Hidden Passages Discovered: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    This is a unique minecraft survival server focussed on the best survival expirience you can get! Ofc this means its not 100 vanilla, but it has some really cool plugins to make the survival gamemode more fun then usual. For example we have a custom Enderdragon aka the Elderdragon thats way stronger then normal and will also respawn over time. Only the player who has the most dragon kills may call himself the true dragon slayer! Maybe we see you on the server?? Oh and btw you can unlock server ranks by playtime

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