A server project without dupes, lags, or cheats. There are unique items, custom mods and plugins.
There are a minimum of restrictions, it is even possible to use a huge number of panels.
Our own launcher which we are constantly improving.
Random gift systems with the possibility of improvement, free roulette.
Our servers run on powerful dedicated hardware.
A huge selection of free HD skins and HD cloaks, there is also the ability to enable shaders.
The absence of wipes allows you to play for fun without fear of losing your home and resources.
Regeneration of worlds once every 30-60 days, deleting only abandoned private spaces.
Protection for newcomers from PvP for 7 days.
The administration is always ready to help adequate players in solving emerging problems.
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/D4mxHfx5
VK group: https://vk.com/coollcraft
Website: https://beemo.fun/