As a server, we try to fill a void in the Minecraft server space, it is an open world vanilla server that is also not anarchy, think Hermitcraft but the players are less famous. The server and discord are community focused so its very easy to find friends, basemates and socialise with the other players. We have no majorly gameplay-altering plugins, including teleportation, playerhomes, no skills system, and no out of game economy. We also do not allow Staff members to abuse their power and spawn in OP items. They should be just like normal players when not doing staff work. We are open to technical players and allows any vanilla farm to be built in any size a player desires. It allows you to build huge mob farms and efficient iron farms to your pleasure. We are 100% Minecraft EULA complaint and have no pay to win features. While we do have a patreon with many great perks, subscribing to it will not put you at an advantage over other players.