FreehavenMC is a server founded on the premise of player choice. We’ve created a world that encourages any play style. Whether you want to go off into the world in survival mode and build a farm with friends, head into the city and role play as a store owner, try our custom mini games, lead a nation, build wonders in creative or just plain sight see, the choice is completely yours.
To support us please consider donating @ paypal.me/FreehavenMC Every little bit helps out
Server IP to Join @ freehavenmc.mymc.io or Join our discord @ discord.gg/SyFVRT See our world map @
We try to run our server in the latest version possible, but the plugins we run don’t always cooperate. So if you’re having trouble joining and don’t know what version of Minecraft to run just join the discord and we’ll help you out.
Applications for staff/Moderators must be done via the discord and will await approval by the Admins. Any suggestions you have can be give via the discord as well.
Hope to see you soon!