New Minecraft Servers
cottagewitch Minecraft Servers


  • Alpha prison 2.0

    Alpha prison 2.0

    New Minecraft Servers

    Alpha Prison 2.0

    All new and improved features

    – New map – Plotmines- No more warping to mines. You can now place it any wear on your plot. (15×15 area will rest at 80%)– To enchant the pick u only have to press right click with pickaxe in ur hand– New enchants: Token Greed, Combo, Lucky, Greed, Key Greed, Experienced, Lazy. Description is write down in the enchant menu– Pickaxe Level: Every blocks mined gives u 100 experience. There’s 1500 level and it needs to give u the ability to put more Crystals in ur pick, for a max of 6 crystals– Crystals: A new features, there’s 20 level of the crystal, with 3 different buff for the pick (Token, Sell and Exp), max of 210% buff at level 220. +10% max every level, start from 10. Example: Level 1 -> min 10%, max 19% buff. Level 2 -> min 20%, max 29% bugg … To put a crystal on ur pickaxe just right click with your pick and in the enchant menu press the “nether star”– Casino: U can try ur luck in /warp casino !

    Come and join now.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • . Tusy .. Vanilla survival with fun. Minecraft server

    .  Tusy .. Vanilla survival with fun.  Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Ku, a new vanilla Tusy server has opened, to enter, apply in #TICKETS# in our ds ->ф

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Adis world

    Adis world

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Adi’s world! A java server where you can have fun and play with a great communtiy. 1.19.2 and join our discord to learn more

    New Minecraft Server
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  • pollution modded anarchy

    pollution modded anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Pollution Modded Anarchy is a unique anarchy server including mods! We have mods such as a Gun mod, Furniture Mod, and a armor mod which introduces 3 new armors better than Netherite! We also have 3 player teams which allows you and your friends to create a awesome base or become insanely overpowered and dominate in pvp! Anarchy means no rules although we do have a anti-cheat for no hacked clients. Here’s our discord server if you are interested: Hope to see you there!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Katzekraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Server IP:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • *** …PLANET ENIGMA… *** Minecraft server

    *** …PLANET ENIGMA… *** Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    ENIGMA (1.8-1.11.2) – Survival, creativity, no real money (donation for game currency), no wipes, quests, for every taste! Enigma is the planet of your dreams!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • The Random Dimension

    The Random Dimension

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Random Dimension (est. 2013) is a fun, friendly and imaginative SMP Minecraft server. A place to play and leave behind “real world” stresses. A place to practice being the best person you can be.

    We have unique features that add to the Minecraft experience: -The Random Lotto on Saturday at 11am EST. It is free to play, and you can win various in game prizes. -Weekly special events on Sunday at 7pm EST. We will host a variety of fun group oriented games and experiences. -We also have useful commands for player convenience like /home, /tpa, /back and more! – Players can look forward to new things added to the dimension each month.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Harmonico


    New Minecraft Servers

    Here at Harmonico, we’re here to empower you to freely explore your creativity in an open world with limitless opportunities. To help you begin your own Minecraft story, Harmonico would be transparent to players, easy to understand, and user-friendly. If this sounds interesting to you, click on the link below to our Discord server to learn more.

    Our Discord invite link:

    Server summary (More info at our Discord server): – Harmonico is primarily a Survival/ PvE server (version 1.14-1.19.2) – Custom quests – Ranks – Levelled mobs – PvE, PvP arenas – In-game economy

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Sassys anarchy

    Sassys anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Sassy’s Anarchy is Semi-Hardcore/Vanilla-Survival!———————————————-Death-ban is 24hrs!Our only plugins are:

      - Anti X-ray/WAC (an anti x-ray plugin that stops users from using an x-ray texture pack/x-ray  on hacked clients)  - PvP Manager (a combat log prevention plugin) stopping the poor sucker whose ass your    whoopin’ from logging out and denying you that sweet sweet kill!)  (This plugin also sops new players from taking damage, lasts 30 mins, use it wisely!)

    Sassy’s Survival is a twitch community server, if you are interested in joining a fun, friendly and adult community, join our discord: feel free to check out the channel:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PiggyMine Minecraft server

    PiggyMine Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    The owner of the “PiggyMine” server has not yet added a description. This Minecraft server is very different from other servers, but not like the others.

    New Minecraft Server
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