HelloWorldMC server is my first attempt to open a server. It is like printf(“%sn”, “Hello World!”) when writing code. This is the origin of the server name. The server was founded in July 2020. It is a survival server and has genuine verification. The current version of the server is 1.18.1, located in the United States, and accelerated links are available for domestic and other regions. It is currently the largest Chinese Minecraft server in North America. Players from all over the world are welcome to join. We will provide accelerated links for everyone depending on the number of people in each region (because it is more expensive, we need a certain number of people before we can purchase the accelerated server).
We position ourselves as a survival server, but we welcome buildings and redstone, as long as they don’t blow up the server :).
Want to become a warrior? Maybe even a miner? Or a Builder? Architect? Trader? Mayor? President? King?
Join us, make your own story. And leave some history.
Welcome to the Universe of Celestial! This is a lore based SMP! We basically have 6 gods that we follow, 3 of them have their own worlds. There’s Sapphire, our peaceful realm with towny and KeepInventory enabled! We have Ember, the realm of chaos and war! (No claims or KeepInventory and raiding is allowed there!) Lastly we have the Event Realm- Our God, Opal, controls this world and all of our events! Come join us and praise our amazing gods!
Welcome to HolyWorld, where unlimited freedom and chaos reign! We have no strict rules, only you and your imagination create the laws.
Exciting mini-games await you on the server, where every round is a new adventure. Compete with other players to prove your superiority. Griefing is an important part of our world, where you can build and destroy without restrictions!
Regular competitions and events add excitement and variety. Participate, win valuable prizes and become a legend of our server. Our administrators always organize exciting events.
Join us via IP: start.playmc.su and plunge into the world of anarchy and endless possibilities! HolyWorld is your opportunity to become part of this unique atmosphere. Don’t miss your chance!
NoobySMP is a custom SMP featuring leveling, bosses, bounty hunting, and so much more! Join us for a fun experience and a friendly community!
Craft, build, survive, vanilla. A fresh and simple semi-vanilla survival experience with teleportation, grief prevention, trading, and shops! Come meet the community, and start your adventure!
A fan-made server so you can also play Insane Craft with your friends like your YouTube Heroes!!
Curseforge link
Technic Link
Make your own custom hero or use one of the pre-made heroes.IWe have land claiming, party system, player shops, kits and voting crates with tons more planned.
NThe server is new and therefore a work in progress expect updates.[Discord]
Play the same mods played by: [SSundee], [Sigils], [Henwy], [BiffleWiffle]and [JeromeASF].
SRecommended RAM:
Mod List:
The Betweenlands (MrCompost)
AbyssalCraft (Shinoow)
AbyssalCraft Integrations (Shinoow)
Alchemistry (al132)
AmbientSounds 4 (CreativeMD)
Ancient Spellcraft (windanesz)
B.A.S.E (lanse505)
BadWitherNoCookieReloaded (Kreezxil)
Bewitchment-Legacy (sunconure11)
Botania (Vazkii)
Brandon’s Core (brandon3055)
Buildcraft (Covert_Jaguar)
Carry On (Tschipp)
Champions (TheIllusiveC4)
Chunk-Pregenerator (Speiger)
Coral Tombstone (Coral_31)
CraftTweaker (Jaredlll08)
CreativeCore (CreativeMD)
Cyclic (Lothrazar)
DimensionalDoors (DimensionalDevelopment)
Doomlike Dungeons (JaredBGreat)
Draconic Evolution (brandon3055)
Electroblob’s Wizardry (Electroblob)
ExtraPlanets (MJRLegends)
FastWorkbench (Shadows_of_Fire)
Flux Networks (sonar_sonic)
FoamFix (asiekierka)
Future MC (thedarkcolour)
Hammer (Lib) Core (Zeitheron)
iChunUtil (ohaiiChun)
Inventory Pets (Purplicious_Cow_)
Just Enough Calculation (towdium)
LittleTiles (CreativeMD)
Lucraft: Core (Lucraft)
Mahou Tsukai (stepcross)
MJRLegends Lib (MJRLegends)
ModTweaker (Jaredlll08)
MTLib (Jaredlll08)
Mystical World (Noobanidus)
MysticalLib (Noobanidus)
Patchouli (Vazkii)
Recipe Stages (Jaredlll08)
Roots (Noobanidus)
So Many Enchantments (ShelterRin)
Tesla Core Lib (face_of_cat)
The Aether (GildedGames)
The Aurorian (shiroroku)
Tickrate Changer (Guichaguri)
UniDict (WanionCane)
Worley’s Caves (super_fluke)
xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (TeamDman)
/dank/null (TheRealp455w0rd)
A Lib (al132)
Actually Additions (Ellpeck)
Additional Structures (XxRexRaptorxX)
Admin Weapons (elias54_)
Advent of Ascension (Scimiguy)
AE2 Stuff (started)
AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (TheRealp455w0rd)
Aether Continuation (XaeronTheProtogen)
Aether: Lost Content (Modding Legacy)
Akashic Tome (Vazkii)
Animus (TeamDman)
Antique Atlas (Hunternif)
Apotheosis (Shadows_of_Fire)
AppleCore (squeek502)
AppleSkin (squeek502)
Applied Energistics 2 (AlgorithmX2)
Armory Expansion (AshuraNoYami)
Aroma1997Core (Aroma1997)
AromaBackup (Aroma1997)
Astral Sorcery (HellFirePvP)
AutoRegLib (Vazkii)
Greed 1.1x (brandon3055)
Baubles (Azanor13)
BdLib (started)
Better Builder’s Wands (Portablejim)
BetterFps (Guichaguri)
Biome O’ Plenty (Forstride)
BiomeTweaker (superckl)
Blood Arsenal (Arcaratus)
Blood Magic (WayofTime)
Bookshelf (DarkhaxDev)
Botanic Additions (Zeitheron)
Bountiful (Forge) (ejektaflex)
Building Gadgets (Direwolf20)
Chance Cubes (TurkeyDev)
Chicken Chunks 1.8.+ (covers1624)
Chickens (setycz)
Chisel (tterrag1098)
CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (covers1624)
CoFH Core (TeamCoFH)
CoFH World (TeamCoFH)
CompactStorage (tobyystrong)
ConnectedTexturesMod (tterrag1098)
Construct’s Armory (TheIllusiveC4)
ContentTweaker (Jaredlll08)
Controlling (Jaredlll08)
Wearable Backpacks (HeckinChloe)
CoroUtil (Corosus)
Crafting Tweaks (BlayTheNinth)
Crimson Revelations (mobiusflip)
Dark Utilities (DarkhaxDev)
Doggy Talents (percivalalb)
Draconic Additions (FoxMcloud5655)
Dungeons2 (gottsch)
Electroblob’s Twilight Forest Spell Pack (Electroblob)
Enchantment Descriptions (DarkhaxDev)
Ender Storage 1.8.+ (covers1624)
Energy Converters (xalcon)
Extra Alchemy (zabi94)
Extra Spells (Electroblob’s Wizardry) (meldexun)
Extra Utilities ()
ExtraCells2 ()
Farseek (delvr)
FastFurnace (Shadows_of_Fire)
Forestry ()
Game Stages (DarkhaxDev)
Genindustry (started)
Genindustry JEI (ninjabrain1)
Ghost’s Explosives (ghostgamingpe)
GottschCore (gottsch)
Guide-API (TehNut)
GunpowderLib (Jackyy)
Hatchery (GenDeathrow)
HeroesExpansion (Lucraft)
Hwyla (TehNut)
ICBM-Classic (QueenOfMissiles)
Ice and Fire: Dragons (alex_khaan)
Industrial Foregoing (Buuz135)
Infinity Craft (AnvilcraftMC)
Integration Foregoing (Jackyy)
Inventory Tweaks (JimeoWan)
Iron Chests (ProgWML6)
JEI Bees (started)
JEI Integrations (SnowShock35)
JourneyMap (techbrew)
Just Enough Energistics (TheRealp455w0rd)
Just Enough Harvestcraft (mrapplexz)
Just Enough Items (mezz)
Just Enough Resources (way2muchnoise)
Lapis Stays in the Enchantment Table ()
LLibrary ()
Loot Games (Time_Conqueror)
LootBags (Mina_the_Engineer)
LootTableTweaker (DarkhaxDev)
Lycanites Mobs (Lycanite)
Mantle (mDiyo)
Max Potion ID Extender (zabi94)
GalacticraftCore (Micdoodle)
MicDoodleCore (Micdoodle)
Minerva Library (zabi94)
Moar Tinkers (AshuraNoYami)
More Bees (Tencao)
More Chickens (GenDeathrow)
More Overlays (FeldiM245)
Morpheus (Quetzi)
Mouse Tweaks (YaLTeR)
Mowzie’s Mobs (bobmowzie)
MrCrayfish’s Furniture Mod (MrCrayfish)
Multi Mob Library (Daveyx0)
Natura (mDiyo)
Nature’s Compass (Chaosyr)
NotEnoughIDs (fewizz_)
OMLib (Keridos)
Open Modular Turrets (Keridos)
OpenBlocks (OpenMods)
OpenModsLib (OpenMods)
Ordinary Coins (flametaichou)
Ore Excavation (Funwayguy)
p455w0rd’s Library (TheRealp455w0rd)
Pam’s Breadcraft (quackandcheese)
Pam’s Cookables (BloodWorkXGaming)
Pam’s HarvestCraft (pamharvestcraft)
Performant (someaddon)
Phosphor (jellysquid3)
Placebo (Shadows_of_Fire)
PlayerAPI (doch13_)
Portal Gun (ohaiiChun)
Primitive Mobs (Daveyx0)
Project Intelligence (brandon3055)
Quark (Vazkii)
Quark Oddities (Vazkii)
RandomPatches (TheRandomLabs)
Redstone Arsenal (TeamCoFH)
Redstone Flux (TeamCoFH)
xReliquary (P3pp3rF1y)
Roguelike Dungeons (Greymerk)
Roost (timrwood)
Serene Seasons (TheAdubbz)
Shadowfacts’ Forgelin (ShadowfactsDev)
Simple Generators (TeamKrypticLink)
Sit (bl4ckscor3)
Perhaps (TheRoBrit)
Sound Reloader (TheWhoAreYouPerson)
Special AI (FatherToast)
Speedster Heroes (Lucraft)
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (lordcazsius)
Star Tech, Man! (nictogen)
Straw Golem (Fradige95)
Streams (delvr)
Surge (DarkhaxDev)
SwingThroughGrass (exidex)
TAIGA (zkafaceTV)
TellMe (masady)
Thaumcraft (Azanor13)
Thaumic Inventory Scanning (BlayTheNinth)
Thaumic IF (Buuz135)
Thaumic Terminal (O_O)
The Fifth World (nictogen)
The Midnight (cipher_zero_x)
The Twilight Forest (Benimatic)
Thermal Cultivation (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Dynamics (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Expansion (TeamCoFH)
Thermal Foundation (TeamCoFH)
Time Core (Time_Conqueror)
Tinkers Construct (mDiyo)
Tinkers’ Tool Leveling (bonus bonus)
Tiny Progressions (Kashdeya)
TNTUtils (ljfa2)
Treasure2! (gottsch)
Underground Biomes (Kreezxil)
ValkyrieLib (ValkyrieofNight)
VanillaFix (Runemoro)
Wall-Jump! (genandnic)
WanionLib (WanionCane)
Waystones (BlayTheNinth)
Weather2 (Corosus)
Wireless Crafting Terminal (TheRealp455w0rd)
XL Food Mod (mariot7)
ZenStages (artdude543)
Lycanite’s Redux (indominator650)
Wakanda Lucraft Add-on (Azinthos)
DFHeroes Lucraft Add-on (DuvainFeynorim)
Quantum is an experienced team that has traveled through countless gaming worlds and brought together all the best in one place.
Simplicity is not only the best, but also the noblest
You won’t find complicated, scary plugins, eye-searing tabs, or breaking classic game mechanics here. The project is built solely on parameters that improve the vanilla game experience.
Discover Minecraft in a new way
The server has voice chat, reworked enchantments and aspects that improve the multiplayer component without in any way disrupting the vanilla nature of the game.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
The project was created on one of the best hostings – we guarantee a stable 20 TPS on the server 24 hours a day. Applications are accepted with just one button without any additional questions – getting to the server will not be difficult for you.
Our main goal is to become for you that home in the world of endless servers, so that you finally find square harmony. Become part of our family!