New Minecraft Servers
closed window Minecraft Servers

closed window

  • WinterWindowWoes


    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a Minecraft server to escape the drama of real life roommates? Look no further than our server! Join us for a wild adventure filled with crazy cats, closed windows, and heated arguments.

    Experience the thrill of accidentally trapping your roommate’s secret pet cat in their room, only to have it wreak havoc and leave a mess everywhere. But don’t worry, it’s all in good fun!

    Join now and immerse yourself in a world where closing windows in the dead of winter can lead to epic battles and outrageous accusations. Who needs reality TV when you can have all the drama right in your Minecraft world? Don’t miss out on the chaos – join our server today!

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  • Empty Ego

    Empty Ego

    New Minecraft Servers

    Empty Ego is a community based on creative freedom… JAVA + BEDROCK COMPATIBLE SERVER IP: MC.EMPTYEGO.COM The journey you are about to embark on will bring new friends, adventures, and more. You may experience great achievements, or suffer through immense peril. Choose your path, and become whoever you desire to be. Start PvE towns with public shops, or become the leader of merciless bounty hunters in search of glory. What you do is up to you; Let the sky be your limit! When building the server we put time into keeping things simple. Although this may seem counterintuitive, we promise it’s not. Many servers offer tons of plugins, mods, add-ons, and more. We believe this takes away from the natural creative freedoms of Minecraft. Because of this, we thought deeply about what plugins would make for a well handled community that offers personal growth and development.

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  • Minecubed balkan

    Minecubed balkan

    New Minecraft Servers

    Features:Minecubed is a PvE server that is based on cooperation and community of players, there is no grappling or stealing. It has an RPG twist, you need to enter dungeons and fight against bosses

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  • MisterKrak Minecraft server

    MisterKrak Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    >> Welcome to the grief server MisterKrak!

    Cheats and other clients that greatly affect the game are strictly prohibited on the server. Their use is punishable by a ban. (Onix Client allowed)

    This server runs on a vanilla core with plugins created by Mojang.

    World limit: 15k

    Let’s put everything in order:

    >> Local and global chat

    Typically, only players within a 100 block radius of you will see your message.

    To write in a chat so that all players on the server can hear you (global chat) – start your message with ! at the beginning of the message

    >> The server has its own economy, as well as the ability to manage your funds

    To find out your balance, look at the board on the right.

    You also have access to a store with quite useful things – /shop

    To manage your money – /money

    >> Instructions for using the store

    Open store menu /shop

    – To purchase, click on the item you need.

    – Enter the quantity you want.

    During the sale everything is identical, but at the beginning select the “Sale” menu

    >> Airdrops

    – Drops with valuable loot sometimes appear on the server!

    – It has everything you need for a quick start or just to sell its contents to someone

    – When the drop falls you will be notified in the chat and there will be a characteristic sound

    >> Mythical shulkers– From time to time, a mythical shulker is formed in the mystical arena.– Mythical shulker is an improved version of the airdrop.– To enter the arena, use the /warp arena command

    >> Mystical Arena– Location where you can fight with other players.– From time to time, a Mythical Shulker will form in the center of the arena.

    >> Let’s move on to ways to earn money:

    – You can sell resources in the above store.

    – By killing other players, you get part of their money.

    – For each mob you kill you receive a small payment.

    – Exchange your resources for currency with players.

    >> System of private houses

    – You can create your own house points and move between them.

    /home – Main menu

    /home go – move to home point

    /home add – set a new home point.

    /home edit – edit the name of the home point or delete it.

    >> Teleportation system between players

    – You can teleport to other players and teleport them to you.

    To open the interface use – /tpa

    /tpa – teleport to the selected player

    /tpahere teleport the selected player to you

    /tpa accept – accept teleportation request

    /tpa deny – deny teleportation request

    /tpa settings – setting up messages about teleportation and lists of players allowed for teleportation

    >> Command System

    To create a team or join – /team

    Players on a team do not harm each other.

    Teams have their own chat, write to the team chat, start your message with #

    >> PVP mode

    – Are you tired of the fact that your enemy likes to run away from you?

    PVP mode will change this once and for all!

    If you hit a player, PVP mode will be activated for you and him for 20 seconds, if you hit him again, the timer will be updated, during this timer you cannot use some commands that you can use to teleport.

    -If you leave the server, you will die, and your resources will be stolen by your enemy!

    —-Additional commands—-

    /bar – hide the server interface

    /suicide – suicide/drop – drop coordinates

    /notice – view server announcements

    /language – change the language of the PFLP plugin

    /lang – change the language of the TMET plugin

    /ranking – leaderboards

    /votclean – start cleaning vote


    port: 19132

    omlet: kraken056375

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  • LifestealLab


    New Minecraft Servers

    Has a decent but small community, has good but not OP plugins kind of survival. We only have a few active players at a time, our goal is to get 20-30 active players. (If server is offline or your not whitelisted it means its under management)

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MeteorBox


    New Minecraft Servers

    Join this fun box mining server. Here is a list of reasons to join… – PVP is enabled for a fun and competitive experience – Keep Inventory is DISABLED to keep things challenging – Our server gets updated frequently(as of 9/12/22) – Admins and Owner take feedback to help enhance the experience! – We will never admin abuse – NOT PAY TO WIN

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Quraysh desert

    Quraysh desert

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello All :)Quraysh Desert Server is open now!Modded Prison Game with 23 great mods to make Minecraft better – Version 1.12.2– 1.5.2 PvP Style ( Fast Attacks )– 100 New Real Animals/Creatures – more than 1000 New Blocks– And More…

    IP :

    Join Now and Get the Premium BattlePass For This season For Free!Download the QurayshPrison ModPack from here :

    And If You Need Help Join our Discord :

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  • Mcfen


    New Minecraft Servers

    The fleeting youth passed by in the early summer of that year, and your distant back was buried deep in my heart. I miss you so much that I can’t get rid of you in my dreams

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Starlight Pixelmon

    Starlight Pixelmon

    New Minecraft Servers

    New Pixelmon server for all to enjoy! BYG world generation, Resource World, NPC and future player run gyms, Battle Café, Beautiful Spawn, EV/EXP training area and more!

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  • Fantasyrealm reborn

    Fantasyrealm reborn

    New Minecraft Servers

    FantasyRealmMC Reborn

    Do you want a faithful and unique Minecraft experience?FantasyRealmMC Reborn is the server for you!Vanilla Survival+

    Rules:[​1] Respect all Players on the server[​2] No hacking, mods, or exploits[​3] No Griefing[​4] PvP is not allowed unless agreed upon[​5] Keep chat spam to a minimum

    Here’s a list of some of our awesome features!KeepInventory! – For a semi-casual experience on Hard difficulty!Extensive Economy including:Bank – Store your funds and earn interest!Stocks – Purchase play stocks (based on real life prices and companies) using in-game currency!ChestShop – Build your own Shop to either buy or sell goods!Auction House – Auction off items to other Players!Server Shop – A reliable place to exchange goods for currency or purchase some select items like mob spawners, pet eggs & more!TradeSystem – Securely trade items with another player for other items or in-game currency!Playtime Ranks – Level up and unlock more content, like pets and particle trails, just by playing!Better Sleeping – Skipping the night only requires a percentage of players to be in bed!Chairs & Sitting – Create usable chairs with stairs or use /sit to enjoy the surroundings!Claims – Prevents your builds from griefing when used!Discord – Active discord community with server-chat integration!MCMMO – Become proficient in skills for enhanced gameplay!PlayerWarps – Unlock the ability to set your own warps, available for others to use as well!SilkSpawners – Silk touch mob spawners!Slimefun – For industrialization and… fun!Referral Rewards – Join with a friend to start get some extra in-game currency! & much more

    This server is in active development, meaning I plan to continue adding content and expanding what the server offers. I would appreciate your help in this endeavor, and I hope to see you gaming on FantasyRealmMC Reborn soon!DISCLAIMER: Minecraft Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB. Please get your parents permission to join.

    OLD IP:

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  • ᴀʀᴄᴀᴅᴀᴡᴏʀʟᴅ Minecraft server

    ᴀʀᴄᴀᴅᴀᴡᴏʀʟᴅ Minecraft server

    New Minecraft Servers

    On our anarchic Minecraft server you will find yourself in an exciting world without rules or restrictions. Here you can enjoy freedom and fully realize your creative and playful ideas.

    The server regularly hosts exciting events where you can compete for valuable prizes and show off your skills. We also have a buyer who will profitably exchange your resources and items for money or other valuables.

    For those who love excitement, we have an auction where you can purchase unique items or sell your treasures for a high price.

    Want to join us? Just go to the server and plunge into the world of limitless possibilities and adventures. We have virtually no rules, but remember – with great freedom comes great responsibility. Be polite and respectful of other players to make our community a better and friendlier place.

    New Minecraft Server
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