Simple and effective spawn! You wont find a massive useless spawn city that contains a few rule signs.
JAVA IP: cherryblossom.apexmc.co(If this IP doesn’t work for some reason, use:
BEDROCK IP: cherryblossom.apexmc.coBEDROCK PORT: 25655
Bedrock players can use the following commands:/offhand – Swaps items from main-hand to off-hand like java/advancements – See all of the java advancements for your account.
Game version: 1.17.1 (1.18 compatible)
Founded 8-01-21
CoreProtect Anti-Grief :Can’t afford a town yet? Don’t worry! Griefing is not allowed, and if it happens we can roll it back!
Private Vault Plots:Purchase a vault at /warp vault for a permanent bank! Comes with a teleport, TONS of storage, and an ender chest.
Dynmap:View the entire towny map and town borders!http://cherryblossom.apexmc.co:6921/
Misc and QoL plugins:Brewery plugin! Invisible item frames via /itf. Item pickup filter via /itemfilter.
Grave system:If you die your inventory and levels will be stored in a little gravestone for 1 hour and even tell you the coordinates in chat. In an emergency you can teleport to your grave for $500 with /graves.
Unique Custom Items and Crates/Keys:Obtain various keys that open loot crates just by playing! These keys are ONLY obtained through gameplay and never sold in the donor shop. These crates reward you with gear unobtainable anywhere else!
Money from mobs:Kill mobs, animals, and bosses to earn money.
Come give us a try! We have miscellaneous features for fun such as /sit, chairs, and invisible item frames. We always take suggestions!