New Minecraft Servers
Bramble The Mountain King Minecraft Servers

Bramble The Mountain King

  • HexArchon


    New Minecraft Servers


    HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with several gameplay features such as unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore such as the Skylands and Dungeons.




    📖Our Values

    We are a group of people with the ambition of creating something new and unique. We are always committed to putting quality work into gameplay. We love listening to community feedback and creating something that people enjoy.

    Here are some of the values that we have pledged to:

    • Community voice & transparency
      • We are fully committed to creating an environment where the community is heard. Anyone is welcome to provide suggestions, discuss them, and vote on them. We give updates to pending suggestions and are fully transparent about decisions made on the development of the server, as well as the reasonings. If there are any major changes up for debate, they will be voted on by the whole community.
    • Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles
      • There are so many different ways to play and progress on the server, thanks to the wide range and combinations of abilities, stats, and custom items. For instance, you are up to what path they take on abilities. They can focus on ranged abilities for the perfect mage build, abilities that empower melee attacks for the maximum melee damage output, healing and damage resistance for support potential, and so much more! There are also 7 different stats you can level up to help them progress on the server, including strength, dexterity, intelligence, health, stamina, resistance, and criticals. HexArchon also provides a massive catalog of custom items each with unique skills to choose from many different play styles and builds. There are different weapon types such as long swords and greatswords that provide slow but heavy hits, daggers for fast and high DPS, staffs and other magic items for mage capabilities, and many different bows for ranged play styles.
      • Does all of this seem too complicated? No problem! You are free to play casual survival, even with cosmetics such as custom-modeled furniture, pets, decorative heads, and a shop containing a huge category of building blocks and items to enhance your builds. What’s great is that these are all optional additions – there is nothing preventing you from enjoying Vanilla Minecraft.
    • Trust & respect
      • We are committed to being transparent, honest, and a group that you can personally trust. We will help players out, enforce rules if needed, and even have casual discussions.
    • Dedicated updates
      • We are always looking forward to adding new and fresh content to the server for an always-improving experience on HexArchon. This ranges from anything such as new items, mobs, boss fights, dungeons, and frequently, ideas from the community.


    🎮Gameplay Mechanics

    • Custom Mobs – We take pride in the distinctive traits of each mob. Each of our custom mobs are drafted and developed from scratch, featuring their own unique skills and behaviors. There are over 200 different custom mobs in total.
      • Regular Mobs
      • There are plenty of custom mobs that spawn across the Overworld, Nether, and End, with unique traits including attacks and skills. Custom mobs can drop money, exp, ability points, and custom materials for crafting custom items!
      • World Bosses
      • You may also encounter mini-bosses when exploring. Mini bosses have a lot more health than regular mobs and have more challenging attacks than normal custom mobs. They also drop larger amounts of money, exp, ability points, and can drop custom materials and even exclusive items!
      • Mini Bosses
      • World bosses are bosses that can be summoned in the Overworld, Nether, and End. They may require teamwork to defeat as they have a lot of health and are more difficult than other bosses. World Bosses can drop custom materials used to craft exclusive, high-tier items.
      • Arena Bosses
      • Arena bosses can be challenged solo or with up to 4 players. You will encounter bosses of varying difficulties as you progress, so watch out! Defeat the arena bosses to unlock new regions to explore.
    • Custom Items – There are many different types of custom items you can obtain. There are different weapon types for each category of weapons. Melee weapons include swords, katanas, daggers, long swords, greatswords, thrusting swords, spears, greatstaffs, hammers, and axes. All item types have varying attributes; for instance, daggers can sustain high DPS due to their fast attack speed, and greatswords have slow attack speeds but high damage per-hit. Magic weapons include staffs, catalysts, wands, and consumables. All custom items have unique abilities that you can use and even combo with other abilities. Custom items can also be upgraded and have runes applied to them to enhance them even further.
    • Custom Enchants – There are more than 240 custom enchantments all geared toward unique builds and uses. There are a huge variety of ways to obtain custom enchantments. They can be obtained from the shop with in-game money, enchanting tables, villager trades, dungeon loot chests and completion rewards, crates, fishing, supply drops, daily rewards, and server events. Enchantments can be upgraded and stacked onto multiple armor pieces to grant even more power.
    • Dungeons – Unlock and explore dungeons to discover ruins and obtain various exclusive loot! Complete various objectives and battle with gatekeepers, mini-bosses, and defeat the final boss to complete the dungeon! There are many hidden side objectives as well, so keep your eyes out!
    • Quests – There are more than 180 quests of varying types and difficulties. There are three varying difficulty levels of daily quests that each include a full-completion bonus. There are repeatable quests that you can start and finish at any time. There are also hardcore quests that may take a lot of effort to accomplish, but pay out the most. Each quest may ask you to locate and slay certain mobs, mine ores, interact with mobs, defeat varying levels of bosses, and much more.
    • Abilities – Obtain points from slaying custom mobs and bosses, and use them to unlock and upgrade abilities! Some abilities may contribute to a ranged mage build, a close-range melee build, or any build that you want!
    • Stats – Use XP to upgrade 7 different stats of your character! Stats can grant boosters to your abilities and custom items, such as attack damage, cooldown reduction, health/mana regeneration, attack speed, and much more.
    • Auto Farms – Auto farms can be bought and utilized to ease the management of your farms. They feature upgrades such as crop growth speed, radius, and collection bin size. Make sure to keep them fueled!
    • Furnaces – Furnaces can be enchanted to grant them special attributes. This includes increased smelting speeds, smelting multipliers, fuel duration, and fuel conservation.
    • Furniture – You can purchase many different furniture models to further decorate your builds! Some furniture can also be interacted with.
    • Player Shops – Build and run your own shop to sell items to other players!
    • Pets – You can purchase a variety of modeled pets to follow you around! You can also rename them, ride them, and showcase them around.
    • Fishing – Fishing can be quite extraordinary on HexArchon! Try it and see… 🙂 May involve some creatures and deaths.
    • Quality-of-life Improvements –
      • Discord Link: Talk with in-game players from Discord!
      • Keep Inventory: Never lose your items. You will still lose a partial amount of money though, so watch out!
      • Rollbacks: Ability to track and roll back any griefs – just open a ticket!
      • Invisible Item Frames: Label your chests with invisible item frames that you can click through.
      • Custom Armor Stands: Tweak your armor stands to the perfect postures you want.
      • Ride Phantoms: You can ride phantoms and fly!



    We strongly prioritize server performance and responsiveness. Not only do we put focus on resource utilization during development, but we also have powerful top-of-the-line hardware that the server runs on.

    The server is run on dedicated hardware with the following specifications: * CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X * RAM: 3200MHz 16GB * Storage: 400GB NVME SSD * Hosted on the US East Coast.

    We guarantee strict, zero-lag gameplay. If you are having any issues with lag, open a ticket and we will gladly help you out – even if it’s not the server’s fault.



    • Server IP:
    • Supports Bedrock (Port 19132). This is experimental with many technical limitations.

    Thanks for reading! We hope to see you on 🙂

    New Minecraft Server
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  • V For Vanilla

    V For Vanilla

    New Minecraft Servers

    Server IP:

    Server Discord:

    Version: Java 1.20.4

    V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game changing plugins or commands.

    We have a small community with many people from all around the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience we welcome you to join us.

    We hope to see you soon on V!

    Server Info:

    • World Border At 30M
    • No Map Resets
    • Random, unprotected spawn area
    • No TPA or Introduction
    • Griefing & Killing Allowed
    • No Duping (Exception for TNT bombers)
    • Chat isn’t strictly moderated
    • Dedicated server hosted in Finland

    Server Rules:

    • Doxing is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban
    • Cheating is a 3 Month temp ban, permanent on second offense

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Madness Season 2

    Madness Season 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    WORLD RESET 2/10/24

    Website: MADNESS-SMP.COM


    Looking for long-term & dedicated players to join our active community!

    Madness SMP is a classic vanilla survival server for adults. (21+)

    We strive to build our flourishing community (38 Members)where our goal is to build a beautiful and fun world! To keep us connected we use concepts like, a giant spawn city with shops, mini-games, a diamond economy, a nether hub, and server-wide events!

    Come join our SMP today! (JAVA)

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Charged Creeper

    Charged Creeper

    New Minecraft Servers

    We use plugins to enhance your experience in Minecraft. Each one is carefully selected and configured to offer you a challenging and rewarding experience with replayability in mind while also keeping your progress safe! We aim to reduce bloat and poor performance on our server to keep your playing experience as smooth as possible.

    – Grief Defender

    – Shops

    – Custom Mobs & Bosses with unique powers & loot

    – Dungeons

    – McMMO

    – Player Warps

    – And more!

    We aren’t just another SMP server. Our goal is to expand on the existing vanilla content in such a way that traditional mechanics are minimally affected. With the litany of servers available at your disposal, you may ask “Why should I join Charged Creeper?”. To answer that question: Simply join our server anytime, any place on any platform and see for yourself. There are no whitelist’s – no restrictions upon joining – no requirements to join our Discord (although it’s highly encouraged as most of our information regarding rules, commands, etc. will be posted there!).


    Java IP:

    Bedrock Port: 25566


    New Minecraft Server
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  • Haven’s Heart

    Haven’s Heart

    New Minecraft Servers

    Join us in a beautiful kingdom of Haven’s Heart and build friendship and memories along the way. This is a towny server that emphasizes community. Here most players live in two densely-populated town named the Haven’s Residence and Modern Town, where you’re free to build your masterpiece using materials provided for free and enjoy the peace. Apart from building, PVP and teaming is also welcomed outside the town, where there’re numerous scattered bases and organizations waiting for you to find. You may establish your own in-game association and engage in inter-association PVP.

    //FEATURES:// //- PVP Allowed// //- Revival Books// //- Populated Habitations// //- Magnificent Castles and Bazaars// **RULES:** **- No Hacking** (Except for X-Ray) **- No Griefing** **- No Stealing** **- Be Friendly** Server: **SERVER NAME:** Haven’s Heart **SERVER ADRESS:** **PORT:** 25666 Join us on Discord:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Better Vanilla

    Better Vanilla

    New Minecraft Servers

    Looking for a unwhitelisted basic vanilla server to play on with a great community? Look no further. I started a vanilla server with one plugin that can rollback griefing and looting so you don’t have to worry! The server will never be reset and will slowly expand over time.


    New Minecraft Server
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  • Stellar


    New Minecraft Servers

    🪐 Explore societies and find your purpose in life beyond interversal creations!

    💡 Create your own goals and energies!

    🔧 Meet with the extraordinary dimensions and yearn for more!

    > Embrace the divine and realistic creations with our modded servers! We have carefully selected these modpacks to take you to divinity and technology!

    > Now you must be thinking, "If it’s a pre-made modpack, what’s the difference with other servers?" we heard you! But luckily, our server has optimized with the configurations and mods for a better and smoother experience!

    > Redditors! You are all invited to our modded servers! I am here to introduce STELLAR! Then let us get started!

    – What are the modpacks you have offered us?

    > Our offers are meant to satisfy your cravings and provide you with expert experiences! We offer "Gregtech: New Horizons" and "Divine Journey 2"

    – What are the specifications of the servers?

    > Our RAM is 32GB for each server and the CPU is RYZEN 9 7950X3D with 16vCPUs

    – How long has it been since the servers were opened?

    > It’s been 1 day since the GT:NH server opened and the DJ2 server is opening now! ( March 9, 2024 )

    – How to join?

    > You can join from our Discord server and answer some questions to register the server, also if you want to protect your privacy that’s fine! The only question you need to answer is your IGN Also you must download the extra things we gave or you may encounter with crashes or can’t join the server

    – Why should you pick us?

    > Because we always cares about our players and their suggestions! We are purposing a chill, relaxing community and we always tries our best to keep everyone have fun in any way!

    🌐 Join to Stellar and devour beyond the dimensions!

    Discord Server Link

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  • Cubed Chaos

    Cubed Chaos

    New Minecraft Servers

    The Cubed Chaos server has been around since b1.2, and intends to keep updating as time goes on. The goal is to create an environment of friends who love Minecraft, and can contribute to the ever-expanding world. There is a ton to see and explore, especially given that our world file is a massive 50 GB. Cubed Chaos has taken a lot of notes from YouTube SMPs such as Hermitcraft, in that it features a diamond economy, players have their own individual bases, but also should contribute to the market at spawn. We want to foster a community.


    We now have a raft of datapacks installed too. If you wanna do your research on them, they are: Gameplay enhancements

    • anti endermen grief
    • anti ghast grief
    • armour statues
    • Armoured Elytra
    • coordinates hud
    • double shulker shells
    • dragon drops
    • durability ping
    • kill empty boats
    • larger phantoms
    • more mob heads
    • player head drops
    • redstone rotation wrench
    • terracotta rotation wrench

    Crafting enhancements

    • coral blocks
    • craftable blackstone
    • blackstone cobblestone crafting
    • equestrian crafting
    • flint to gravel
    • straight to shapeless
    • more stairs
    • powder to glass
    • renewable gilded blackstone
    • rotten flesh to leather
    • sandstone dyeing
    • slabs stairs to blocks
    • uncraftable ice
    • uncraftable nether wart blocks
    • universal dyeing
    • wool to string


    • The Golden Rules… Don’t be a prick.

    • No Griefing. Pranks are fun, demolishing someones base is griefing.

    • No Thieving. Be in from killing a player, raiding bases etc. Insta Ban.

    • No exploitation of game glitches, for example; duping items of any method. Insta Ban (TNT Duping is on a permission basis for specific farms)

    • No use of abusing packs such as X-Ray. Client side mods such as Mini Map are welcome.

    • No Asking for Admin or Mod Permission. Insta Ban

    • Respect the shop system and the prices set by the shop owner. This will be treated as theft, see Rule #3.

    Other Notes

    YouTubers are a big bonus, but definitely not required.

    To Apply

    We have a Public Discord for those who wish to apply here. There is a 30-day probation period as well. Best of luck!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Spread of Civilization

    Spread of Civilization

    New Minecraft Servers

    🌍 Spread of Civilization – Embark on an Epic Journey! 🌍

    Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative new server that brings you a unique Minecraft experience with an extra touch of realism! The goal of this server is to encourage players to collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real.

    🚣 Connect With Infrastructure, Not Teleports 🚂

    Master your local landscape and build real connections with your neighbors using Dynmap, SpeedyBoats, HsRails, and Rail Protector! You may teleport just once to join up with friends when you start on the server, but fear not – these plugins make travel a breeze.

    🌾 Realistic Farming & Changing Seasons 🌦️

    Immerse yourself in a dynamic environment with changing seasons that bring new challenges and opportunities. Find the best crops and animals to feed your city year-round with Real Farming, a plugin that alters the growth rates of plants and animals based on their environment. From the warmth of summer to the chill of winter, adapt your farming strategies and witness the breathtaking beauty of a world that evolves with time!

    🌐 Use-Based Land Claiming 🏡

    Say goodbye to the arbitrary limits of traditional land claiming and welcome Influence Claims, which allows you to automatically claim the land you use. Your activity and contribution to the server will determine the extent of your territory. Whether you’re a lone adventurer or part of a bustling community, claim your piece of the world and watch your influence grow!

    🌎 Dynamic Borders 🌄

    With Dynamic Borders, the world border expands over time as new players join and updates are released. New players will always have fresh territory to explore and conquer, creating a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. Explore uncharted lands, discover hidden treasures, and pave the way for a new era of civilization to rise!

    🏹 Enhanced Gameplay with Shopkeepers, TradeSystem, mcMMO, and more! 🛒

    Set up your own shops, engage in player-to-player trading, and master your skills as you level up through the ranks. Enjoy quality-of-life upgrades with ChestSort, FreedomChat, GoPlantYourself, Lasso, and VillagerSaver. Play Minecraft at its best on Spread of Civilization!

    🎉 Join Us on Spread of Civilization Today! 🎉




    Version: Java 1.20.4

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Purgatory SMP

    Purgatory SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Purgatory is a 43-strong Vanilla++ server in which you can join or create a town/village to live in!

    It is a 1.20.2 server which we use fabric for mods like Origins and other fun mods!

    Come join us on our Discord server just apply and join the legion of happy sinners!!

    New Minecraft Server
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