Just MC~play whatever you want! EverMC
Since 2011, EverMC is a major Chinese Minecraft network that provides multiplay service to all continents for free. This is also a non-for-profit community which setup and supported solely by fans from chinese communities. We are committed to provide and maintain the best Minecraft experience for all people. Since 2011, Random MC is one of the most famous Minecraft free multiplayer servers in the Chinese community. This server is a free public welfare server and is jointly established and maintained by many enthusiasts. Our goal is to provide the best Minecraft gaming experience for everyone.
Our network provides at least 5 different game modes: Survival, Creative, Skyland, Acidisland and Minigame. We have the best moderator team and various exclusive gameplays. User experience is our top priority. We also provide free network optimization while connecting to the network with 5 pop servers around the globe. All our efforts guarantee your painless experience you wouldn’t find from any other similar servers. Our server provides at least five game modes: survival, creation, sky island, island and mini game server. We have a friendly management team and a variety of self-created game content to ensure your gaming experience. We also built our own acceleration network to ensure that you can experience smooth service anywhere in the world. All these efforts can give you an unparalleled gaming experience.
We welcome anyone to join our friendly community. As long as you can read Chinese, you can join us through Tencent QQ group 392455229. If you want to come to our big family, welcome to join us through QQ group 392455229.
Note: For the best user experiences, new player should register on https://evermc.com and apply for whitelist before entering the network. Note: In order to ensure the game experience, all new players need to register at https://evermc.com and apply for a whitelist before entering the multiplayer game.