New Minecraft Servers

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  • FlarePvP Network

    FlarePvP Network

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    New Minecraft Servers

    FlarePvP is a minecraft server on Survival minigame. In this minigame players complete challenges from the Classic Minecraft wildlife. Why playing in Singleplayer alone when you can do that with your friends?

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  • SimpleSurvival


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Simple Survival is a survival Minecraft server offering a wide range of possibilities to enhance your Minecraft experience on 1.19.3. The server offers a community-driven economy, which gives every player the freedom to earn, sell and trade goods with other players independently.

    For greater comfort and enhanced experience, the server offers land claiming to protect against griefing/raiding by other players, allowing you to build something special and show off your building skills to the world.

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  • PiratesMC


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    New Minecraft Servers

    PiratesMC is a RPG Vanilla Minecraft server that provides the player with an immersive gameplay experience. Battle other players in large open ocean fights, defeat bosses, and loot treasure chests. It’s time to conquer the seven seas!

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    New Minecraft Servers

    Survival, Skyblock, Creative Plots, Factions, and Minigames. What more could you want. Icludes a server-wide economy with an ingame shop as well as a player points system and much more.

    Disclaimer: We Are in Alpha and not everything will work, Survival and skyblock will not reset without prior knowledge so don’t worry about losing stuff (you money may be reset at times)

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  • The Drifting Planet

    The Drifting Planet

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    New Minecraft Servers

    We have officially got our server out to be able to create a fun place to hang out, see some cool builds and give people some inspiration and play with your friends in a safe space. Drifting Planet is all about inclusivity and no matter where you are, everyone can have a place in MC called home. It may not be the SMP of those big Youtubers but it certainly has its elements of creating a fun environment for everyone!

    This server has been made from my brother and I, we have spent the good part of a year, designing everything and making sure everything fits perfectly. So I hope you stay a while and enjoy the server and I cannot wait to see the builds/designs you come up with of your own

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  • HybridMC


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Hybrid Network is a new skyblock server offering many unique features.

    KOTH Envoys Minions Shop, Crates Custom Mine World With Custom Mobs! Boss Events Custom Enchants and more!

    Come join this epic adventure and play with our welcoming community. This server is new, many changes are happening day by day to slowly transform this server into a truly amazing experience.

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  • EnchantedSword2


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Enchanted Sword Anarchy is an Australian 1.8 – 1.19.2 Java server which supports crossplay, values high TPS, and a stable economy by stopping dupes. The server also contains a teleport plugin, allowing you to teleport to a friend every 30 minutes, as well as /home.

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  • FableSMP


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    New Minecraft Servers

    A Hardcore and Combat Fueled SMP where PvPing and Griefing are allowed anywhere. Your goal is to become the richest by killing Players and getting into Leaderboards for a free Rank.

    – Griefing & PvP ALLOWED!


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  • TheVanillaProject


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    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to TheVanillaProject! This is a server aiming to keep the overall gameplay as vanilla as possible. There are a few commands that will make the gameplay a bit more multiplayer-friendly, and does not alter the gameplay in any major way.

    We are a growing, active, mature and constructive community, helping make the server a more fun place to be!

    The server is hosted on professional enterprise-grade hardware by passionate minecraft server owners that care about the community and makes sure everyone has the best experience possible!

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  • Minecraft Malaysia Hub

    Minecraft Malaysia Hub

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    New Minecraft Servers

    A malaysian hub that consists of multiple server like smp, minigames, faction and many more! This server is also a cross-play between java and bedrock which allows you to have fun with your friends no matter on what device they are.

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