New Minecraft Servers

Nikhil2406Q server

Nikhil2406Q server
Players: 103/200 Votes: 6185
Rating: 4.7 / 5
Lost Cities Unearthed: 2 Legendary Scepters Created: 7
Paranormal Events Investigated: 5 Celestial Dragons Tamed: 3
Unseen Monsters Slain: 7 Cosmic Hamsters Found: 4
Infinity Stones Found: 2 Mineshafts Explored: 1
Starry Nights Enjoyed: 12 Soul Contracts Signed: 1
Magical Familiars Summoned: 4 Storm Giants Negotiated With: 1
Forbidden Grimoires Read: 5 Divine Scrolls Written: 8

New Minecraft Servers

Pls join and server is aternos and if for server access join my discord link – And PLS SUB me on YouTube- NIKHIL2406Q

New Minecraft Server
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