MythCraft: Junk DNA LOL

MythCraft: Junk DNA LOL

so, like, this server is like, the bomb diggity, man. like, you gotta join cuz we got like, secret treasure hidden in the caves that only the most epic players can find. like, there’s this one time this dude found a diamond sword that shoots lasers when you swing it. it was so lit, bro.

and like, we got this crazy story about how the myth of junk DNA actually hindered science on our server. like, scientists were all like, “oh, this DNA is just junk, it doesn’t do anything important.” but turns out, it was actually the key to unlocking super powers in humans. like, one guy on the server can fly just by thinking about it. it’s wild, man.

so yeah, if you wanna be part of the most insane Minecraft server ever, you gotta join us. we got treasure, super powers, and a whole lot of laughs. come on, dude, what are you waiting for? let’s do this!

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