MoCreatures Community

Minecraft Server Updated

MoCreatures Community

Please visit the site, for information on how to join!

Mo’Creatures Community is the ORIGINAL Mo’Creatures Server! First begun nearly 3 years ago, this server is a continuation of the original official Mo’Creatures Server. It is a survival server, complete with McMMO and a PvP event region, as well as the Non-PvP Survival Region. This is a modded server, and the following are required to join;

Forge Modloader DrZhark’s Mo’Creatures CustomMobSpawner And a mod unique to our server, and developed by a server administrator; DCM_Rox’s OpalsPlus Information on how to install these mods, which versions to use, and download links, can be found at: We are an excellent community and would love to have you!

Server IP

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY