Are you tired of boring old Minecraft servers with the same old rules? Well, have we got the server for you! Introducing the most outrageous and insane Minecraft server you’ll ever play on!

Join our server and experience the thrill of criminalizing homelessness in a virtual world! That’s right, just like the “Safer Kentucky Act,” our server allows you to shoot homeless players engaging in “unlawful camping.” It’s a wild west out there, folks!

New Minecraft Servers - KentuckyCraft: Where Creepers Wear MAGA Hats

But wait, there’s more! Our server is like 20 servers packed into one! You can enhance penalties for sleeping in your virtual car, damaging your virtual apartment, or fleeing from virtual police. And don’t forget about our three-strike rule, where the third strike could mean a mandatory life sentence or virtual execution!

Join now and be a part of the craziest Minecraft server on the internet. Who needs boring old survival mode when you can experience the thrill of extreme anti-homeless, tough-on-crime gameplay? Don’t miss out on the action – join today!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY