New Minecraft Servers

Seqcraft SMP Minecraft Server Overview

Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy the gameplay as Vanilla as possible. We have a strong core community and welcome players from all backgrounds and preferences to join us. Our current world will reset in approximately 1 week to start a new season. We enforce fair play and discourage stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, and other negative behaviors. Whitelisting information available in our Discord.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is Seqcraft SMP? Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing the game in a Vanilla-like environment and focus on building a strong, fair-play community.
When will the world reset? The world will reset in approximately 1 week to start a new season. Players are encouraged to join as the world resets for a fresh start.
What are the rules on the server? The server enforces fair and decent play, disallowing stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, uninvited PVP-ing, hate speech, and drama. Players are encouraged to build starter bases close to spawn and contribute to a communal area.
What age group is welcomed on the server? Players ranging from 13+ to 40+ are welcomed, with a focus on mature behavior. Younger players under 18 may join if vouched for by an existing member or can show maturity in their whitelist application.
How can I join Seqcraft SMP? Instructions on whitelisting can be found in the Discord server:

New Minecraft Server
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  • TitansCraft


    TitansCraft Bukkit Server!!!

    MobArenas PvP Arena Survival Factions Creative Parkour

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  • Enderarmy Survival.

    Enderarmy Survival.

    Survival SMP no greif/raid and Vote for the server for Three free Diamond! and $100!

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  • W00t Craft

    W00t Craft

    PVP/Survival/Economy/Hunger Games/Mob Arena/Disguise Craft

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  • XeGaming Home Edition

    XeGaming Home Edition

    Epic Community Small Scale Server.

    Adult owned and operated, many plugins for your enjoyment!

    iConomy Homes/Warps LUCK Citizens Chestshops! KillerMobs BetterSleep, and more!

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  • CubeLand


    CubeLand is one of the best portuguese server’s based on PVP , with plots and lot of arenas.

    JOIN Today!

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  • Bluedog


    Hi All of you out there this is bluedog owner whose server is 24/7 it is faction/pvp we really do a lot for the server there are about 60/70 in server every day so it is not a server that is not known there are some ranks you can get for free it’s vip/vip+ vip can /hat /top /invsee but can’t take things and can also kit vip where vip+ can do the same but can make nick with color and write with color and much more you mustn’t ask about up no kind of hack no spam no advertising also further we have an intro to the server you can see it here somewhere see you there BYE Regards bluedog

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  • ZbuCraft


    Hey, I’m BronzeGaming and with my friends Uzzz1 and zavago93 we have started a new server. The server has 24/7 host and almost unlimited slots. We had a server before but then we upgraded to this new serverhosting website.

    Right now there is no plugins on the server but that will be fixed in the near future! The only thing that we can afford you guys right now is normal survival, but later on we will add, Survival games (Hunger games), creative, and yeah, many other things.

    This server hasn’t got any players so we would like to have some. So if you want to join feel free to do so 🙂

    We haven’t got any staff except me, Uzzz1 and zavago93 (owners). But this isn’t a “first players who join gets admin, mod or whatever”. We wan’t staff that follows the “normal rules” (no griefing, no spamming and so on) and is kind to all players.

    Other then that we have planned to be working alot with the server 🙂

    RIght now there isn’t any requirements to join our server, just be sure to be nice and follow the rules.

    Remember this server is Brand new so we only have normal survival at the moment.

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  • Wreckless PVP – Factions

    Wreckless PVP – Factions
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  • Romania Minecraft City

    Romania Minecraft City

    Free build

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  • MinePrime


    Awesome 24/7 Server!

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  • Legioncraft SMP

    Legioncraft SMP

    A server based on ancient Rome. Fight in the Colosseum to win awards and money and battle other players to claim their heads as your own. Sell the heads of slain monsters for profit.

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  • BorderCraft PvP

    BorderCraft PvP

    This is a brand new pvp server! BorderCraft PvP features:

    No Lag Uptime = 24/7 Xp farms Parkour 2 pvp arenas! Factions Plot World Hunger Games Auctions And much more!!!

    Hope to see you on!!!

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  • MCLoaded


    Factions, Hunger Games, Mob Arena, Player Heads, Economy and more!

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  • Nameless PvP

    Nameless PvP

    Welcome to Nameless PvP! This server is a pvp based factions server. There is also raiding, so make your base/house hard to find and hard to access! Rules: [1] No Hacking [2] Don’t Be Rude [3] Don’t spam staff, they will help when they have time [4] Donators or VIP’s can’t be scammed! [5] Do not ask for op or staff positions. [6] Do not Ignore Staff [7] No Advertising other servers or webpages! [8] Staff can play, raid and pvp! As long as they don’t spawn in items or pvp when they do /tp! If they do this, report them with /ticket. Website: Right now the website is a work in progress and more will be added when the server gets more donations! We hope you enjoy your time on the server!

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  • vSprawl

    vSprawl is a small London Server. We have been running a while but have very few players at the mo. Come and help us make it bigger! We have survival and creative maps and a few useful plugins.

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