What would you do if you stumbled onto proof of the largest conspiracy in the history of Minecraft – something that could change the blocky world in a massively positive way, but the scope of the evidence is so vast that no one else has the patience required to see the big pixelated picture?

Join our server and uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of the legendary diamond pickaxe of Herobrine! Rumor has it that it holds the power to summon a herd of explosive pigs to wreak havoc on your enemies. Are you brave enough to wield such power?

New Minecraft Servers - GrailCraft: Where Explaining the Grail is Half the Fun!

But beware, our server is also home to the elusive Ender Chicken, a creature so rare and so powerful that it can turn your enemies into blocks of cheese with a single cluck. Will you be able to tame this feathered fiend and ride it into battle?

So come on down to our server and embark on a quest like no other. Unravel the secrets of the Minecraft universe, battle epic bosses, and make friends with talking sheep. The adventure of a lifetime awaits, but only the bravest and most absurdly hilarious players need apply!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY