Are you tired of dealing with furries who only want one thing from you and then ghost you like a creeper in the night? Well, fear not, because our Minecraft server is a furry-free zone! No more awkward encounters with players who only want to “mate” with you and then disappear faster than an Enderman in the shadows.

Join our server and experience a world where furries are banned for their shady behavior. Build your dream castle, mine for diamonds, and battle mobs without the fear of being harassed by furries looking for a quick fling. Plus, rumor has it that our server is protected by a magical forcefield that repels all furry creatures, so you can play in peace without worrying about unwanted advances.

So why wait? Join our furry-free Minecraft server today and say goodbye to those pesky sex pests once and for all!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY