New Minecraft Servers

FunkyCraft: Where even the trash threads are legendary! Join ‘/funkg/’ today!

FunkyCraft: Where even the trash threads are legendary! Join ‘/funkg/’ today!

Are you tired of boring old Minecraft servers with the same old gameplay? Well, look no further than our smug anal edition server! Why should you join, you ask? Well, for starters, our server is run by a group of sassy llamas who will roast you harder than a campfire marshmallow.

But that’s not all! Our server is home to the legendary Butt Block, where players must navigate through a maze of giant butt cheeks to reach the treasure at the end. And if you’re lucky, you might even encounter the elusive Twerking Creeper, who will explode in a shower of glitter and confetti.

But wait, there’s more! Our server is also home to the infamous Chicken Dance Battle Arena, where players must out-dance each other to win fabulous prizes. And if you’re feeling extra daring, you can take on the challenge of the Hot Potato Mini-Game, where players must pass a flaming potato to each other without getting burned.

So what are you waiting for? Join our smug anal edition server today for a wild and wacky Minecraft experience like no other!

New Minecraft Server
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  • House of Targaryen

    House of Targaryen

    **Before going any further, realize we are running the development craftbukkit for 1.5 so there are bugs and not all plugins listed are open because they aren’t up to date.**

    We are just wanting to play, socialize and simply have fun. We have a little bit of everything.

    We use multiverse so you can play with your friends doing a variety of things:

    – PvP (and yes we have hunger games) – Adventure maps (on scheduled days) – Building till your heart is content.

    We have also added to our server. A new spawn and a fresh look. We added a mob arena (with and without plugin). Currently working on a Capture the Flag. There is an arena and 3 working on 4 hunger games.

    So go ahead and come check us out at

    Thanks for taking a look and if you have any questions you can direct them to Lanna1981, Truetone, or Highsideqc

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Iron PVP

    Iron PVP

    This is Iron PVP, a German server with a lot of events. you have to note that the server is still being built

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • TobyPC Minecraft

    TobyPC Minecraft

    Survival MCMMO Gameplay.

    Private server looking for decent people to join us. We will eventually move to whitelist. 🙂

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Fatcreeper Raid

    Fatcreeper Raid

    24/7 Chicago Hosted ServerThis is a raiding and pvp factions server with ranks and a farming aspect. The worldborder is a small 7.5k. Obsidian can be destroyed by TNT but is stronger than other blocks. Some blocks like diamond, are even stronger against TNT.Crop growth has been sped up. Shops to buy and sell items are available.Server ranks are now available! Rank up with your money from selling crops and gain bonuses! For every rank you gain an extra heart and you can get a total of 2 rows of hearts. You also get more faction power to claim land.Plugins: Factions, MCMMO, ObsidianDestroyer, morehearts *New map was generated Feb 7th 2019.

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Universe-PvP


    Come on and join our ServerWe’re german but we can speak english

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • MCLegend


    All info at our webpage 🙂

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • ROFL Craft

    ROFL Craft

    We like to play some original minecraft. We try to keep the plugins light and not affect the game heavily. We like to chill have a good time and pvp some people upl!!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Butterminecraft


    Now been dead for 9 years!

    We offer: PvP Arena Survivalgames War Creative plots skyblock and rentable hotel rooms to spend your earned money on!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • BaaBoo’s PVP Server

    BaaBoo’s PVP Server

    [German Server]

    Der BaaBoo’s PVP Server

    The server is currently under construction but…

    Here you can build and become the survival king

    We also already offer a PVP arena

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • DiscoverCraft[PvP][PvM]


    Hello, We are DiscoverCraft

    In-game information!

    Please check in-game!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Amazing-Craft


    This is a Server That is Survival We wish You all a Happy New Year and we will greet our fellow PLayers Well This is survival Fractions server with PVP if Chosen Thanks For Reading Hope to See You All Soon! =)

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • GuidoCraft


    Awesome Fun Also Come Check Us Out On Planet Minecraft Just type in GuidoCraft And Your There!

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    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • PiggyCraft


    This Server Is One Of My Servers it is a faction pvp server u spawn in a castle that is claimed as safezone and then you set out on your adventure you can build a castle and claim it and protect it fro enemy factions plese do not ask for staff

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • TeefusCraft


    We are providing a Community-based, Factions, PvP, Bukkit server. As far as plugins, we have Factions, MCMMO, SkyBlock, HeadDrops, a few really nice Spleef Arenas, a challenging Obstacle Course, BattleArena PvP arenas, LWC, ranks purchasable with in-game money, and a few Mob Arenas! Advertising other servers will get you banned, as will x-ray, hacks, and anything that gives you a PvP advantage over anyone else. Make sure you read the rules when you get in so you won’t get muted or banned right away.

    P.S. – For those looking for a staff position as soon as you log in, don’t even bother copying the IP address. Staff is hired from trusted long-time members of TeefusCraft.

    Thanks for reading! -=TeefusCraft Staff=-

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Noble Craft Network

    Noble Craft Network

    Once upon a time, a Minecraft user started a small SMP server. Over time, this server grew in size. Alongside the player count, the resources and money available to the server grew. Today, that server is called Noble Craft, with its owner being NobleProductions. SURVIVAL Using some of our favorite plugins, such as GriefPrevention, MobArena, and more, we’ve created a cleverly-assembled Survival server that aims to be everything you want it to be. However, not of our plugins are public, and this sets our server apart from the others. From lockboxes that leave you hooked on the first day to mob loot crates that keep you grinding away, a plethora of entirely-custom features is prevalent in Survival. CREATIVE Pick a plot and get building. Let your inner architect shine! Create the best castle on the server, host small build competitions with your friends, or even do some roleplay. KITPVP Developed by Lew_ himself, KitPvP is the very server showcased by ZexyZek. Select a kit and (literally) jump into the carnage. Earn achievements by getting lots of kills. Buy the best kit you can, or make your own in the shop! Hoard up some legendary items and demonstrate their divine status on the battlefield. Rank up on the top kills board and the top KDR board. PLOTS In this unique and economy-based take on Survival, you can choose a nice plot and get started. Turn your plot into a giant factory, producing mass amounts of resources, or turn it into your dream house. SKYBLOCK Take up the challenge of creating and maintaining a wealthy life where so few resources are available. Climb to the very top of the server, but you’ll get knocked down a few times. If you don’t have a good grip, you might fall into the void!

    Server IP

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY