New Minecraft Servers
Players: 95/600 Votes: 3229
Rating: 5.0 / 5
Legendary Heroes Trained: 2 Herobrine Sightings: 3
Time-Warping Watches Found: 2 Flesh-Eating Plants Grown: 1
Mystical Amulets Crafted: 18 Runes Activated: 0
God-Killer Bows Constructed: 9 Unseen Monsters Slain: 3
Cosmic Entities Communed With: 0 Ghost Miner’s Tools Found: 1
Corrupted Chunks Fixed: 1 Voidwalker Blades Crafted: 11
Cursed Diamonds Mined: 2 Buildings Constructed: 24

New Minecraft Servers

About us

Foxden is a small java sever that strives to be a fun and friendly place for almost anyone to play on, for the most part we are a semi-vanilla survival server however we have a few plugins and such to spice things up a little. As an owner I try my best to be active on the server and in our small community. We don’t have any real official age restriction but we swear and some times may talk about stuff not suited for younger folk, so discretion is advised.

Current our map is about 2 months old but we don’t have any plans to reset anytime soon.


Dynmap, No chat reporting, Carpet, and more

Plus a whole bunch of small datapacks and tweaks.


1 – Must be a member of the discord, speaking in it is optional

2 – No slurs, homophobia, racism or anything that could be considered abuse

2a – No IRL politics, No controversial subjects, Nothing NSFW (all to be decided at mods discretion)

3 – No griefing, including modifying, damaging, killing animals or anything of that nature

4 – No stealing

5 – No using Farms or villagers without permission or if marked as public

6 – No PvP/killing unless it’s during a minigame or with consent from both parties

7 – Inactivity for 3+ months could result in your property being transferred to moderator control (Exception can be granted if you talk to a moderator about it)

8 – Leaving the discord or being banned will speed up the process of rule 7

9 – Upon breaking rules it is the moderator discretion to either warn, Temp ban or Perma Ban

While these rules may seem strict we like to keep the server a calm and relaxed place. Plus we’re also not harsh with the ban hammer, as long as you keep within the spirt of the rules we’re pretty understanding. For example pranks and such are fine, even if breaks rule 3, as long as you don’t ruin a persons work.

How to join

Join our Discord, read our rules channel, react to the message at the bottom and then put your minecraft name inside the whitelist channel.

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  • Minecraft server Minecraft server
    Players: 101/100 Votes: 2647
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Underground Cities Explored: 2 Cursed Biomes Uncovered: 6
    Phantom Rings Equipped: 13 Unholy Beasts Tamed: 2
    Zeus’s Thunderbolts Captured: 2 Legendary Armor Sets Assembled: 16
    Powerful Allies Recruited: 6 Infernal Machines Built: 0
    Unique Catgirls Spotted: 5 Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 11
    Portal Loops Escaped: 3 Lost Artifacts Recovered: 4
    Endless Legions Commanded: 26 Magical Ponies Rescued: 7

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hello! This is a new server with privileges, survival and clans, as well as pvp. We do not have auto-shafts or parking lots. You yourself must develop with other players, fight, earn money, build buildings and privateize them, or you can unite into a clan. You can purchase a privilege and help the server and players, communicate with them and farm resources. There are no cheaters here, nothing was stolen or made with templates, everything was built from scratch. Draw conclusions

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  • The Bob SMP

    The Bob SMP
    Players: 102/400 Votes: 1219
    Rating: 4.2 / 5
    Astral Mages Summoned: 3 Demon Skulls Collected: 40
    Ender Chest Mysteries Uncovered: 1 Cursed Scrolls Read: 5
    Vanishing Items Found: 4 Farms Harvested: 971
    Buildings Constructed: 31 Corrupted Chunks Fixed: 1
    Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 10 Warlock Amulets Crafted: 11
    Wizards Turned into Frogs: 0 Reality Warps Survived: 0
    Void Gems Collected: 31 Backwards Speech Heard: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    Just a chill SMP with no rules. There are no mods. your standing in the BobSMP community will be completely reliant on your performance in the server. Good luck and have fun!

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  • RASE

    Players: 97/500 Votes: 726
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Void Armor Forged: 30 Cosmic Entities Communed With: 2
    Rainbows Spotted: 10 Secret Guilds Joined: 4
    Unseen Monsters Slain: 8 Shadow Figures Spotted: 5
    Haunted Forests Traversed: 6 Backwards Speech Heard: 6
    Phantom Blocks Placed: 7 Underground Cities Explored: 5
    Crystal Caves Mapped: 7 Dimension-Hopping Bunnies Found: 3
    God-Killer Bows Constructed: 7 Unbreakable Chains Forged: 4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Come join are survival anarchy server ! You can do anything you want only rule is no hacking. You can join factions kingdoms go exploring raids or just live in a dirt house. The server is over three years old with over 280 members

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  • Hype romania

    Hype romania
    Players: 98/400 Votes: 6184
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Necronomicon Pages Collected: 4 Backwards Speech Heard: 3
    Endless Staircases Climbed: 0 Ender Pearl Glitches: 5
    Haunted Strongholds Conquered: 1 Warrior Spirits Summoned: 39
    Invisible Pathways Walked: 8 Demonic Pacts Formed: 0
    Ghost Trains Ridden: 0 Wizards Turned into Frogs: 2
    Towns Built: 7 Villages Defended: 17
    Heroic Oaths Sworn: 22 Soul Swords Wielded: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    ★ Hype Romania ★ [1.18] – We offer a wide range of gamemodes including, ★ Skyblock ★ Factions ★ Survival ★ Pixelmon ★ Prison ★ Creative ★ and MUCH MORE. Join today to experience your #1 Minecraft Server experience, with a friendly and welcoming community for all ★ EVENTS ★ ZERO LAG ★ DEDICATED STAFF

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  • FS SEASON 1 Minecraft server

    FS SEASON 1 Minecraft server
    Players: 110/200 Votes: 7414
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 30 Living Shadows Defeated: 5
    Meteorite Armor Created: 15 Eldritch Beasts Summoned: 0
    Endless Mazes Conquered: 4 Secret Guilds Joined: 4
    Treasure Maps Found: 8 Mythical Relics Collected: 7
    Soul Swords Wielded: 6 Legendary Heroes Trained: 2
    Royal Decrees Issued: 5 Dimensional Collapse Prevented: 1
    Shadow Realms Conquered: 0 Divine Spears Created: 24

    New Minecraft Servers


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  • Synonix

    Players: 93/600 Votes: 5528
    Rating: 4.0 / 5
    Zombie Dances: 8 Glowing Eyes in the Dark: 1
    Living Statues Befriended: 2 Invisible Pathways Walked: 4
    Shattered Realms Restored: 1 Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 1
    Enchanted Weapons Reforged: 4 Soulbound Rings Equipped: 5
    Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 3 Moonlit Rituals Performed: 5
    Flesh-Eating Plants Grown: 2 Cursed Artifacts Uncovered: 3
    Nightmare Scenarios Survived: 3 Pockets of Chaos Discovered: 2

    New Minecraft Servers

    Join in on one of the most supportive and fun servers out there hoping to achieve near the top of the list! participate in survival with teams, claiming land to prevent griefers, shops, and more with economy!

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  • KrystalCraftMC

    Players: 94/300 Votes: 6281
    Rating: 4.9 / 5
    Runes Activated: 1 Immortal Potions Brewed: 12
    Undead Armies Raised: 0 Eldritch Medallions Worn: 7
    Magical Ponies Rescued: 6 Evil Lairs Raided: 8
    Epic Mounts Acquired: 2 Secret Libraries Discovered: 4
    Players Killed by Monsters: 2858 Void Armor Forged: 14
    Heroic Oaths Sworn: 16 Astral Amulets Crafted: 18
    Wizards Turned into Frogs: 0 Mysterious Portals Opened: 5

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome To Krystal Craft mc! This is a fun and exciting minecraft SMP! The best news is that you can join the server at ant platform! Java,bedrock,pocket edition etc. Join Our Discord To Know How to Turn On The Server easily in 1minute And play! 😀

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  • Cheesecakemc

    Players: 97/800 Votes: 8995
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Divine Spears Created: 22 Paranormal Events Investigated: 1
    Reality-Warping Charms Crafted: 5 Forbidden Doors Opened: 3
    Elemental Forces Harnessed: 7 Astral Projections Made: 1
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 45 Phantom Blocks Placed: 9
    Crops Grown: 9517 Unholy Rituals Interrupted: 1
    Godly Talismans Bestowed: 7 Vanishing Structures Built: 5
    Unsolvable Puzzles Solved: 5 Endless Minecart Rides Taken: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    CheesecakeMC is a survival minecraft server with a small community and friendly people !

    Our server has strict rules against any sort of harrassment, homophobia, transphobia, racism etc and want to promote an environment where anyone is welcome as long as they are a good nice person c:

    The server has griefprevention, dynmap of the whole map, Shopkeepers plugin to setup your own villager with any trades you want, Playerwarps to your builds/shops, Random teleportation to specific biomes on the map and more ! We are always looking for new things to add to help enhance the player experience while keeping player to player interactions and a fun vanilla survival esque experience!

    If this small welcoming community sounds fun to you feel free to join us on the server <3 vvvvv Link to dynmap vvvvv

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  • RidiantMC Minecraft server

    RidiantMC Minecraft server
    Players: 101/300 Votes: 9383
    Rating: 4.1 / 5
    Haunted Chests Opened: 6 Mysterious Portals Opened: 16
    Sentient Weapons Trained: 3 Chaos Orbs Controlled: 17
    Cozy Campfires Lit: 7 World-Altering Spells Cast: 2
    Eldritch Medallions Worn: 13 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 1
    Fabled Crowns Discovered: 8 Phantom Ships Sailed: 3
    Titanic Battles Fought: 16 Haunted Mines Explored: 2
    Cursed Diamonds Mined: 6 Love Letters Sent: 6

    New Minecraft Servers

    RidiantMC- This is a cross-platform server with many datapacks.

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  • Hyper-Core Networks – MineColonies

    Hyper-Core Networks – MineColonies
    Players: 110/800 Votes: 1155
    Rating: 4.3 / 5
    Talking Trees Consulted: 2 Hedge Mazes Navigated: 4
    Tesseract Cubes Discovered: 2 Dragon Scales Harvested: 421
    Forbidden Doors Opened: 3 Cursed Swords Broken: 3
    Glitched Entities Encountered: 2 Arcane Secrets Unlocked: 14
    Doomsday Clocks Constructed: 2 Haunted Mines Explored: 3
    Divine Spears Created: 27 Twisted Realms Survived: 2
    Godly Talismans Bestowed: 20 Mimic Chests Discovered: 1

    New Minecraft Servers

    CurseForge Client Download: Mine Colonies Wiki – Discord – MineColonies is an interactive building mod that allows you to create your own thriving town within Minecraft. It lets your leadership skills soar by providing you with everything you need to build your kingdom. MineColonies gives you the flexibility to create a colony as unique as every player. With so many options, you’ll create a different colony every time, adapt to any biome, build inside a mountain, on top of one, under the ocean, or in the sky. Players command NPCs to automate tasks such as building, gathering natural resources, crafting to fulfill the colony’s needs, and guarding the colony from outside threats. Custom schematic system, Structurize, allows completely free placement of structures within the colony’s boundary and holographic preview of of them before placement. Choose from over 1,300 schematics provided Robust permissions system offers the multiplayer experience that you want with a variety of grief protection levels, allowing you to collaborate on a single colony with friends, create alliances between separate colonies, or have separate colonies compete to be the best. The limit is your imagination! MineColonies features NPC workers such as Builders, Farmers, Fishers, Foresters, Guards, Miners, Smelters, Bakers, Cooks, Couriers, five types of animal herders, Composters, and many more, with even more being developed and added as the mod grows. It also includes specialized buildings such as the Warehouse, House, Town Hall, Barracks, Library, University, and even the School.

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  • Lazarus gaming

    Lazarus gaming
    Players: 90/700 Votes: 2012
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Forbidden Doors Opened: 2 Dimension Hops: 8
    Cuddly Creatures Pet: 30 Endless Mazes Solved: 3
    New Chunks Explored: 888272 Gryphons Tamed: 4
    Endermen Teleportation Errors: 1 God-Killer Bows Constructed: 9
    Battle Standards Raised: 9 Underground Cities Explored: 3
    Shadow Cloaks Sewn: 4 Endless Legions Commanded: 11
    Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 1 Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 40

    New Minecraft Servers

    A new factions server coming up that is a huge WIP, with many cool features like a shop and even throwable creeper egg with many more to come, it’s a server to enjoy and create good experiences by raiding, pvping, and having a good time. A 4 day old server that is in need of most staff positionns desperately and players to enjoy this super cool experience!

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  • DeverWorld Minecraft server

    DeverWorld Minecraft server
    Players: 92/700 Votes: 6715
    Rating: 4.7 / 5
    Divine Relics Bestowed: 7 Endless Staircases Climbed: 3
    Pirate Ships Raided: 3 Living Shadows Defeated: 2
    Mythical Relics Collected: 16 Haunted Redstone Contraptions Built: 6
    Secret Libraries Discovered: 2 Ghostly Villagers Traded With: 4
    Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 61 Celestial Dragons Tamed: 2
    Astral Mages Summoned: 3 Volcanoes Explored: 3
    Mystical Amulets Crafted: 35 Void Gems Collected: 15

    New Minecraft Servers

    On our server you can find friends, etc.

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  • ImmortalSurvival

    Players: 91/800 Votes: 5161
    Rating: 5.0 / 5
    Phantom Rings Equipped: 11 Astral Mages Summoned: 2
    Magical Ponies Rescued: 7 World-Altering Spells Cast: 0
    Friendship Bracelets Exchanged: 19 Mystical Amulets Crafted: 42
    Runic Tablets Deciphered: 35 Unseen Monsters Slain: 5
    Goblin Armies Outwitted: 8 Holy Grails Found: 1
    Gnome Villages Protected: 2 Endless Minecart Rides Taken: 3
    Whimsical Tea Parties Held: 13 Fairy Circles Danced In: 10

    New Minecraft Servers

    Immortal Survival is a fun, open community where you can come to just hang out and relax or try to be the best, we have lands for claiming your land so you wont get greifed and a very clean overall server. Features include: 1.18.1 constant updates Skills and custom enchants Trading, BetterShulkerBoxes, Inventory Chests and Block Locker Rankups (over 250 hours) Silk Spawner and Vein miner Vote Parties Homes And much much more! All at

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  • World of Repheria

    World of Repheria
    Players: 110/700 Votes: 8405
    Rating: 4.4 / 5
    Void Armor Forged: 24 Star Shards Collected: 79
    Legendary Titles Earned: 1 Interstellar Fungi Gathered: 2
    Cursed Artifacts Recovered: 5 Ethereal Dreams Experienced: 28
    Backwards Speech Heard: 2 Ethereal Couriers Hired: 4
    Sunfire Helmets Forged: 9 Ender Dragon Reincarnations: 3
    Ether Blades Crafted: 13 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 31
    Villages Defended: 19 Zombie Dances: 0

    New Minecraft Servers

    World of Repheria is a server dedicated to providing a relaxing, stress free environment to build a world we can write lore for, can act out situations in our own sessions of RP, and follow our own path of development. Unlike many servers you will find here, we are very informal.

    Our world has been built by many skillful players, and with the help of the Conquest texture pack, We strive to work together as builders to improve our craft. With friendly, constructive criticism, we have seen many a player grow, and advance in their career as Minecraft builders. We recently added a Plot world to make it easier for people learn and try new out new building ideas.

    When we do our RP, it is done how we feel like. weather we want to use our wacky version of D&D, or start a civil war not once, but TWICE! We want you to come in and tell a story, and join our world filled with limitless imagination.

    Our main group is built on the backs of many players. We pride ourselves on our ability to bring together builders, roleplayers, and others, to build a community within our little corner of the Minecraft world. That is what you will get from the World of Repheria. a place to hone your skills, try new things, make suggestions that matter. When you join World of Repheria, you become family. and we hope to see you soon!

    Be sure to join our discord server to take part of the community and information about the server!

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  • Dutchcrafters

    Players: 101/600 Votes: 8385
    Rating: 4.5 / 5
    Ancient Relics Unearthed: 193 Twisted Realms Survived: 3
    Hidden Passages Discovered: 5 Chimeras Created: 1
    Soul Contracts Signed: 1 Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 3
    Magical Carpet Rides Taken: 5 Infinite Doors Opened: 2
    Fabled Crowns Discovered: 10 Unicorn Parades Witnessed: 3
    Titanic Relics Retrieved: 2 Underground Cities Explored: 4
    Mineshafts Explored: 1 Magical Familiars Summoned: 3

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to Dutchcrafters!

    Here we have


    More coming soon.

    Here you will get a great time in the server, Meet people, make friends and have fun!

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