Are you tired of living in the frozen tundra of your country’s butt crack? Do you dream of a place where the sun shines all year round and the only storms are the ones you create in Minecraft? Then come join our server, where the only thing colder than the weather outside is the ice in our veins!

We may be in the middle of nowhere, but that just means we have plenty of space to build epic structures and unleash your creativity. Plus, with 6-7 months of winter every year, you’ll have plenty of time to hone your mining and crafting skills.

New Minecraft Servers - Bootyville: The Cheekiest Minecraft Server Around!

So say goodbye to being stuck inside all day and hello to a world where the only limit is your imagination. Join our server today and start your journey to becoming the ultimate Minecraft master!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY