New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

Artemis Realms

Artemis Realms

New Minecraft Servers

SPECIAL OFFER! FREE SKYWARS BOMBERMAN KIT TO ALL NEW PLAYERS UNTIL MONDAY!!! Just create a help ticket (/ticket create) and ask for your kit, and we’ll add it for you.

A new, friendly server. Right now we have our own custom SkyWars, Creative Plots, Factions, and we’re just setting up CTF (War). We plan to have Hunger Games too.

Check out our unique features in SkyWars!!

Please come visit us; we’re looking for builders to add content as we grow. We’re especially interesting in hearing from map builders for Skywars & CTF.

Sidenote: the “application process” for mod on this server is to come back often, vote regularly and play decently with others. We will look for the best, most helpful players and promote them at our discretion.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP