FALCraft – Fully Automated Luxury Crafting

FALCraft – Fully Automated Luxury Crafting


I am getting a server up and running called

FALCraft – Fully Automated Luxury Crafting

Discord Invite Link

If you would like to get in at the ground level of a new, persistent long-term, tech-oriented SMP, comment below or check out the discord!

Our vision

A communal server where everyone contributes to building a beautiful, aesthetic and highly functional survival world, powered by technical farms built on the latest versions of minecraft that enable players to have lots of resources for aesthetic survival builds.

There will be no map resets. The intent is a long-term persistent survival world you can return to again and again over the years. The world will be continually updated to the latest MC version as soon as the base technical mods are ready which is usually quite fast as they are popular mods. Explored but un-used chunks will be culled during each update to allow for new terrain generation, but your builds will be kept safe.

We don’t need to be the next SciCraft, WaveTech, or HermitCraft but are inspired to have fun, farm lots, and build well.

Who Should Play Here?

We welcome purely technical players, builders, survivalists, hermits, and people who want to learn technical MC but don’t have experience. As long as you’re willing to contribute to making an interesting long-term survival world.

We welcome some hermitcraft-style players who want to build their own separate bases as well, but also players who would want to contribute to large community projects whether they are technical farms or aesthetic builds, and not focus solely on individual epic bases.

18+ players welcome but still want to keep a fun and relatively family-friendly environment.

We will cultivate a friendly, safe atmosphere that is accepting of all people including those identifying as LGBTQ+, and those of any ethnicity, nationality, gender, creed or calling!

Global players are welcome, but the server is located in US-West (GMT-8).

There are no play-time requirements, as long as you want to return every so often to the same world and add to it over time. Play 100 hours a week, or 1. If you need to take a break but want to come back in a few weeks or months, we will be here!

Work on what you find interesting, no one will require you to work on anything you don’t want to. There will be no hazing or initiation tasks. If you’re in, you’re in.

Resources will be shared once we all have enough. If you put a lot of time into something you won’t be expected to just give it away. Especially while we bootstrap the server and get the “basics” up an running.

Server Features

  1. 24/7 US West-Coast based High-performance server – up and running, able to be connected to TODAY. Hosting is already secured for 1 full year. Fast CPU+RAM speed with SSD disk speeds.
  2. BRAND NEW 1.20 WORLD – OPEN SEED, CURATED FOR TECHNICAL PLAY – end portal in a mushroom biome for a central hub build that doesn’t need spawnproofing, nearby worldspawn in badlands to reduce passive entity count, nearby soul-sand valley nether fortress for efficient wither farming, and convenient biome placement around spawn.
  3. Discord integration with in-game text and simple proximity voice chat
  4. Dynmap dynamic mapping mod so you can check out the server in your web browser, google-maps style!
  5. Vanilla+ technical Server mods – carpet, servux, lithium, syncmatica, JEI and a few administrative mods for permissions and such.
  6. Vanilla+ technical client mods encouraged/recommeded – carpet, litematica, minihud, tweakeroo, itemscroller, xaeros minimap, appleskin, zoomify, modmenu, and more!

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY