New Minecraft Servers

Pixelmon 3.4

Pixelmon 3.4
Players: 97/600 Votes: 8395
Rating: 4.4 / 5
Mystic Mirrors Unlocked: 2 Endless Mazes Conquered: 3
Enchanted Tomes Discovered: 54 Crystal Caves Mapped: 5
Dragons Tamed: 0 Void Gems Collected: 19
Wailing Winds Heard: 4 Underground Cities Explored: 1
Time Loop Anomalies Resolved: 2 Eclipse Rings Activated: 3
Epic Shields Constructed: 29 Alien Abductions: 2
Dragonfire Shields Forged: 7 Magical Beanstalks Grown: 5

New Minecraft Servers

Most up to date and unique Pixelmon server on the interwebs. We have great custom mods for your improved experience play (Pixelutilities!) and a great staff team to keep us on the path to the future. We have weekly events and great prizes. We have NO LAGGGG and up time 99.9 % (we have to update sometimes) Your Starter will be Shiny! Other Features: PvP – Towny – Economy – TownVSTown badge battles -Player Gyms – AI gyms – HiddenGyms and much much more! Come join the fun!

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