New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

🌍 Infinity Isles: Where blocks are LGBT-friendly and ages are like diamonds – 18+

🌍 Infinity Isles: Where blocks are LGBT-friendly and ages are like diamonds – 18+

Infinity Isles Minecraft Server Overview

Server Type Semi-vanilla Java Minecraft server
Community 18+ players from around the world
Server Started March 25th
Server Features Fast leaf decay, dynmap, head drops, Litematica
Server Location East US coast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What sets Infinity Isles apart from other servers?

Infinity Isles is 18+ and whitelisted, ensuring a mature community. We have a semi-vanilla experience with added gameplay improvements, player-run projects, lore to explore, events, a player-run shopping district, and non-Pay-to-Win donation perks.

How can I join the server?

To join the server, apply on our Discord server:

Are griefers handled on the server?

Our staff team promptly handles griefers, and any damage caused is swiftly rolled back and repaired. Trolls and immature players are not welcome.

Are there weekly events on the server?

Yes, we host weekly events such as fishing contests, spleef, build contests, and more, with prizes for participants.

Is the server Pay-to-Win?

No, donation perks are non-Pay-to-Win, and all proceeds go towards improving server performance. Contributors have access to fun commands and a player head database.

Is there an active Discord community?

Yes, we have an active Discord community where players can chat in channels and voice chats.

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