New Minecraft Servers

Spread of Civilization Server Overview:

IP Address
Discord Join Our Discord
Dynmap View Dynmap
Version Java 1.20.4

Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative Minecraft server that brings a unique and realistic gaming experience. Join us to build a world that feels real, engage in a real economy, connect with infrastructure, experience realistic farming with changing seasons, claim land based on usage, and explore dynamic borders.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How can I join the Spread of Civilization server?

You can join our server using the IP address:

2. How do I connect with other players on the server?

You can join our Discord community to connect with other players and stay updated on server events and activities.

3. What version of Minecraft is required to play on the server?

The server requires Java version 1.20.4 to play.

4. Can I engage in player-to-player trading on the server?

Yes, players can set up shops using Shopkeepers or use TradeSystem to buy and sell goods with other players.

5. How does land claiming work on the server?

Land claiming is based on usage, using Influence Claims. The more active and contributing you are on the server, the larger territory you can claim.

6. Are there restrictions on teleportation on the server?

While there is a limit on teleporting to join friends when starting on the server, you can connect with infrastructures like Dynmap, SpeedyBoats, HsRails, and Rail Protector for easy travel.

New Minecraft Server
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