UnitedCrafters SMP Overview

Age Requirement 13+
Server Type SMP (Survival Multiplayer)
Plugins Enhance gameplay while maintaining a vanilla feel
Primary Currency Diamonds
Discord https://discord.com/invite/8D3pxkydq4

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is there an age requirement to join the server?

A: Yes, players must be 13 years or older to join UnitedCrafters SMP.

Q: What type of server is this?

A: It is a Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server with a vibrant and chill community.

Q: What is the primary currency on the server?

A: Diamonds are the primary currency used on the server.

Q: Are there any playtime expectations?

A: No, players are not required to meet any playtime expectations. Take breaks as needed.

Q: Is griefing and stealing allowed on the server?

A: No, griefing, stealing, and any behavior that ruins the fun for others are not tolerated.

Q: How can I join the server?

A: Join the Discord linked above and apply there to become a part of UnitedCrafters SMP.

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