Un Server Sin Ley

Minecraft Server Updated

A Lawless Server

A Lawless Server is a Minecraft server where only the best will succeed!

We have a Fortnite-like battle pass, missions, additional achievements and endless possibilities with the plots!

We also have a system of protections and cities, economy system, auctions and much more!

You can create your own team within the server along with other people with whom you can collaborate and talk with them through our discord (we will create a channel for you) or if you prefer you can try to join one of the teams created by other players. There is PvP in unprotected areas.

Es un survival similar a DeadWorld (DeadPlayers).

WARNING! Just because it’s lawless doesn’t mean you can use hacks!

Join the discord to see the tutorials and how everything works https://discord.gg/g9ksxxW

Server IP unserversinley.net

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY