Townscraft Server Overview

Server Name Townscraft
Focus Survival Multiplayer server that focuses on creating towns
Features Houses, shops, farms, community events
Server Type Whitelisted SMP


Question Answer
Can I join an existing town? Yes, you can join an already existing town.
How can I create a new town? You can create new towns with three or more members.
What if I prefer to be a solo player? You can choose to be a solo nomad on the server.
Is the server vanilla? The server tries to maintain a mostly vanilla experience.
How are griefing and theft prevented? The server uses Coreprotect to protect against griefing and theft.
How often are server resets? Resets are very far apart, with the first season running for 20 months.
Are there community events? Yes, the server occasionally hosts community events for players to participate in.

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