New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

What you can find on TerraQuest:

Earth:➤ TerraQuest currently has a 1:1500 world of the entire Earth! Something that we plan to upgrade/expand in the future to lower ratios.

Towny:➤ We also currently have the towny plugin on our server allowing for thing such as countries forming, nations and even empires!

Politics:➤ Currently players are able to elect a government or a president allowing for fair and regulated elections! Wars are also enabled meaning nations can go to war with other nations to potentially take land or valuables from other nations!

Economy:➤ Our economy is based on trading outposts that are positioned around the map that players must venture and make their way towards to sell/buy items. Currently a trading outpost has been established in all major continents and major areas.

Active Staff:➤ We have an extremely dedicated staff team as of now who try there absolute best to help with problems and disputes. We have made use of Discord and other means to offer a quick and easy report system that will be followed through with fairness and patience.

Active World Events:

Currently TerraQuest has 3 active world events that will occur either daily or hourly.

➤ Firstly we have a airdrop system that once every 2-3 hours will drop and broadcast an airdrops with items only found in said airdrops inside. These airdrops have a timer of 3-5 minutes depending on rarity before opening, this is too allow other players to come from around the world just to contest these airdrops and potentially steal or steal loot from other players.

➤ Secondly we offer a KoTH minigame where players will contest a certain spot for a certain time, winning this will grant the King of The Hill a KoTH key which can be used to gain exclusive items!

Much more could be said about TerraQuest and its many features and game mechanics to find out more you can join our discord server below or join the server itself! We hope you have fun on TerraQuest!

Conquer The World!

New Minecraft Server
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