New Minecraft Servers
Players: 97/700 Votes: 2620
Rating: 4.1 / 5
Ores Mined: 1103 Volcanoes Explored: 2
Chaos Orbs Controlled: 23 Disappearing Landscapes Witnessed: 3
Blood Moons Survived: 3 Astral Orbs Gathered: 12
Animals Bred: 37 Runic Tablets Deciphered: 30
Eldritch Medallions Worn: 15 Arcane Towers Raised: 4
Time-Traveling Monkeys Met: 1 Zombie Dances: 1
Infernal Machines Built: 1 Infinite Knowledge Scrolls Discovered: 3

New Minecraft Servers

Tempest SMP Overview

Server Type Modded Minecraft SMP
Version 1.21
Unique Features Impressive world generation, interconnected road networks, modpack with decoration and QOL mods, Border Missions for expanding world border

Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is Tempest SMP? Tempest SMP is a brand new modded Minecraft server featuring a vast, interconnected world with various environments and large projects.
What are the common rules on the server? Players are required to follow four simple common sense rules and be respectful in all interactions.
What mods are included in the modpack? Decoration mods like the Macaw collection and Connected Chains, along with QOL mods like Traveler’s Backpack and Just Hammers.
How can the world border be expanded? The world border can be expanded through the completion of Border Missions, involving resource gathering and project construction.
When did the server start? The server started on 06/30/2024, making it ripe for exploration.

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