New Minecraft Servers
so why not escape to a minecraft server where society is run by chickens and pigs? yep, you heard that right. the chickens are the politicians, squawking their way to power, while the pigs are the bankers, rolling in the mud with all the diamonds they’ve stolen.

join our server and witness the chaos unfold as the cows protest for equal rights and the sheep start a rebellion against the oppressive chicken overlords.

but that’s not all! we have custom mini-games like “shear the sheep” and “chicken race to the finish line”. plus, every full moon, the ender dragon comes to visit and wreak havoc on our already chaotic world.

so come on, join us on this wild ride and see if you can survive the madness. just remember, in this world, the only rule is there are no rules.

New Minecraft Server
New Server IP – Click to COPY