New Minecraft Servers
New Minecraft Servers

New Minecraft Servers

Server Name:Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking!
Online Since:2019
Features:No hacking/duping allowed, Vanilla world-borders, accessible Nether-roof
Discord:Join our Discord community!
Website:Visit our website!
Map Size:10 TB+

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Can I use hacks or duping on the server?

No, hacking or duping is not allowed on Simply Vanilla. All players are expected to play fair and abide by the server rules.

2. What are the boundaries of the world in Simply Vanilla?

The server has Vanilla world-borders, meaning there are set boundaries within which players can explore and build.

3. Is the Nether-roof accessible on the server?

Yes, the Nether-roof is accessible in Simply Vanilla, allowing players to explore this dimension and utilize it for their gameplay.

4. How can I escape spawn in Simply Vanilla?

Check out this video for a guide on how to escape spawn:

5. Can I form alliances with other players on the server?

Yes, players are encouraged to form alliances, make friends, or even betray and conquer bases in Simply Vanilla. The choice is yours!

Join Simply Vanilla today and experience the thrill of anarchy gameplay without hacking!

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