Minecraft Server Overview

Server Type Semi-Vanilla
Focus Quality of Life Mods
Community Size Tight-knit
Application Process Yes
Plugins Anti-Griefing, Anti-Stealing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What makes this server unique?

Our server focuses on quality of life mods and has a tight-knit community that’s always ready to welcome new members. We have an application process to ensure a great experience for all players.

Are there moderators available to help?

Yes, our friendly moderators are always available to assist players with any issues they may encounter.

Is griefing or stealing allowed on the server?

No, we have plenty of plugins in place to prevent griefing and stealing, allowing players to enjoy building and exploring in peace.

What kind of community does the server have?

We have a small but amazing community with great lore, countless towns, and a love for hanging out together. Whether you’re looking to make new friends or just relax and enjoy Minecraft, our server is the place to be.

Join our Discord server to learn more: Discord Invite Link

New Minecraft Server
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