wAfOqmOLl9A Minecraft Servers

2024 Best wAfOqmOLl9A New Minecraft Servers

  • Duckville


    Are you a Minecraft veteran with a desire for something new, something to reignite your passion for the game? Are you a newb, who is interested in mods and potentially making new friends? Maybe you’re somewhere in the middle, unsure of where to go?

    Come one, come all, to Duckville SMP! Where players can find their power in the mysterious arcana strewn across the land, or in the might of Oil and Steam! In this steampunk-fantasy themed server, we have a dozen or so mods that allow you to choose whether or not you’ll be fighting dragons or constructing massive machines of mass destruction, or both!

    We’re an 18+ server centered around the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. We’re a minority run server, with a passion for building community and of course minecraft. Your voice and opinion has a place here- granted that you have respect for others as well.

    We’re looking to build a semi-small, tight-knit community of 20-25 players all with their own passion for minecraft. Our server has a world border, 5000×5000 blocks, meaning you’ll have to get close and comfortable to your friends and foes. Don’t feel like getting in with the fighting? Pacifists are protected and respected here, as well as the war mongers. Rest assured, there is a place for you.

    Highlighting mods such as Create, Ars Nouveau, Ice and Fire, Black Powder Weapons, and Biomes O’ Plenty, there is never a dull moment working with mystomechanics! We have added additional mods to build upon vanilla, with better end fortresses, villages, etc.

    With a mod team that prioritizes an enjoyable minecraft experience, we have a hard launch date set for this Friday, at 6:00 EST.

    The world of magick and mechanics calls to you… Will you answer?

    Apply here today: https://forms.gle/gWusYvwzzsF8jT6D7

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • BlockHeart


    The BlockHeart server is back for its newest, biggest, and best season, and we’re looking for a new intake of members! With the incredible BlockHeart family ready to establish fantastic bases, a community capital city at spawn, a vibrant shopping district and natural economy, games events competitions and community builds, this really will be the server to be on. Inspired by the Zack Scott server in the 2000s, Coffinland, and HermitCraft, we welcome content creators to cover the servers if they want to. We are a close community who are forever looking to expand our friendship group and all play together toward our beautiful cities and projects; as well as all doing our own thing and having a fun place to escape to within Minecraft. We do gaming sessions on the server together; minigames, projects, events, and also play other games and have funny long calls. We have a couple of streamers and YouTubers who cover the server, and are always looking for more content creators to join too. Rules > No verbal abuse, racial, sexual, homophobic and xenophobic harassment etc. wont be tolerated > No griefing or stealing – we’re all very trusting > No unlawful killing – most are okay with banterry killing, but make sure you’re not annoying someone > Have fun, and log off when you stop having fun > No lag machines > Contact one of the group leaders with any problems asap Please reply to this post with the following to apply: Age Discord ID IGN Gender identification Nationality Favourite movie Favourite video game Minecraft build style Project idea for our server Tell me a joke 🙂 Thanks, hope to hear from you soon! IP: eu04.empowerservers.network:7085 -BOTTOM

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PotatoCraft


    Join our new Potato SMP! Where you can experience classic vanilla minecraft. You can build anywhere you like, hangout with other players, fight to the death and many more! Anyone can join no need whitelist! So what are you waiting for! See you there! . Info: Bedrock: 1.20.40+ Java: 1.20.4 Pure Survival Friendly Community TPA Anti-Cheat . Join our Discord for more info: https://discord.gg/nNsjsSvszE . IP: playpotato.lol PORT: 50584

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Draconicraft SMP

    Draconicraft SMP

    Draconicraft SMP [Semi-vanilla] {Java} {18+} {Whitelist} {1.20.4}

    Draconicraft is community-focused minecraft server where the world is your oyster – within the 10k world border of course! With every Minecraft update, the world will expand rather than reset, giving you ample time to work on fabulous builds and intense farms with the rest of the community while also gaining access to the new features of the upcoming updates in the coming years.

    Knowing the world is not going to be reset anytime soon allows our members to build much large projects knowing they have the time to complete them. For instance one of our members has built their own version of Hermitcrafts Decked Out Minigame so if you like me have been enjoying hours of Tango’s content and wonder what it would be like to run from the ravagers yourself come check us out.

    Whether you have a lot of time, or just want to relax for a couple hours after work, Draconicraft is the place for you to enjoy this game we love with a community of players who share the same passion! Our members come from all around the world, including the United States, Germany and Mongolia! We encourage English as the primary language for the public discord server and public in-game chat, but it’s a free-for-all when you chat over VC as long as you stay respectful when someone who doesn’t speak your language joins the conversation and switch to a language everyone can understand.

    We focus on offering a chill, respectful experience playing with other adults where everyone can feel welcome.

    We’re semi-vanilla, what does that mean for us?

    Our server is meant to give you an authentic survival experience, with some additional Plugins and Datapacks for Quality of Life improvements and fun little extras.

    This includes, but is not limited to, the following Datapacks:

    Anti Ender Dragon Grief

    Anti Enderman Grief

    Custom Armor Statues

    Custom Nether Portals

    More Mob Heads

    Multiplayer Sleep

    Player Head Drops

    Silence Mobs

    Villager Workstation Highlights Configuration Info

    On top of that, our server uses Simple VC to make chatting with your fellow players in-game a bit easier as well as DynMap with the LiveAtlas UI for easier orientation.

    For more information, join our Discord Server and fill out our application form to get started!


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    Air SMP is a new EU based, whitelist only server where the world is built on trust and community. everyone starts in groups of 5 when whitelisted, this does not mean you are to work together this just means that you wont be starting alone


    No griefing

    no derogatory laungauge

    english speaking

    friendly and inclusive owners

    lgtbq friendly

    streamer friendly


    hope to see you all soon! -Ant

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Simply Vanilla

    Simply Vanilla

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking!

    We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and 10-30 active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof.

    IP: simplyvanilla.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/dP7SqPF

    Website: https://simplyvanilla.net

    Map size: 7 TB+

    What escaping spawn looks like:


    Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Littl3Craft3rs


    Welcome to Littl3Craft3rs

    About Us! We are Littl3Craft3rs! We are an adult only Java/Bedrock server!

    Start and End Date! This server opened on March 10th 2024. We will not reset any time soon!

    Our Community! We are a very small community currently! We are also whitelisted and have an application system on our Discord. We are an English speaking only server, so everyone feels included in the conversation.

    What Version? Littl3Craft3rs is on version 1•20•40.

    Our Plan! We plan on having build competitions in the future. As well as a community shopping district.

    Are we Vanilla? We currently only run 2 plug-ins, so basically completely vanilla. Our plug-ins are one player sleep and a plug-in that makes tree cutting less tedious.

    Hope to see you in game soon!

    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Ex Inferno’s Minecraft!

    Ex Inferno’s Minecraft!

    Former Hell is a gaming community first and foremost. We were founded around the “World of Warcraft” but have always played other games. We have well over 1,000 active members playing WoW and other games.

    Our Minecraft community is much smaller and chill. Most folks are between 25-50. Please join our discord server and follow the info in the #mc-orientation channel.

    Note: We do require a brief voice chat in order to gain access. If you are uncomfortable with this then our server probably isn’t for you. Best wishes!

    What are we looking for?

    • Chill players
    • Good Builders
    • No “Hackers” or edgelords

    Core Values

    At our heart are our Core Values:

    Must be 18+. Toxicity isn’t welcome. Reach out to an officer for mediation. No discussion of race, religion, sexual orientation, or politics. Racial slurs will get you banned. Lend a hand and participate when you can! Be Social!

    Still interested? Please join us on our discord server to get started!


    New Minecraft Server
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  • Across the Moss

    Across the Moss

    Dear Minecrafters!

    I am Andreas, and I am 24 (If that matters to you)

    I am getting started on making a survival server (I have a bit of experience with it previously but I still need help with some stuff for it)

    I (And the server) are based in europe, but people all over the world are welcome. Across the Moss are in need of some tech wizzards to help with both setting up the server with the plugins etc. as well as the discord server. I would preferably also be needing a couple of admins. If you are none of these things but are interested in the server anyway then feel free to contact me as well to keep you updated on when the server is gonna launch.

    The plugins of this server would be (May not be limited to that, or may have some stuff removed as well, we can talk about that as well later)

    – Voice chat mod

    – CoreProtect

    – Dynmap

    – Discord chat

    – Anti Creeper

    – Anti Enderman

    – Oneplayersleep

    Also I’d like to add the new 1.21 blocks as well.

    The features of the server will include a shopping area and a minigame area as well. It will be whitelisted and require every player to be around 18 years old or older.

    If you are interested in any of this add me on discord to talk further:


    New Minecraft Server
    New Server IP – Click to COPY

  • Stinky SMP

    Stinky SMP

    Hello, Redditors! Check out Stinky SMP! This is a 1.20.1 and updating server, with an emphasis on fair moderation (appeals, and punishment only for true rulebreaks), extreme longevity (absolutely NO resets, you could play here for years!) and welcoming inclusivity of all people and playstyles. Be you a nomad, builder, PVPer, trader or anything, you’ll find a place here. Any reason you can’t? Make a suggestion, we’ll look at it!


    Our vanilla+ modpack with many optimisers ensures minimal client-side lag. Server-side, we have 16 gigs of ram + dedicated processor cores up to 4.8 GHz and featuring 4 vCores of a Ryzen 9 5950X CPU.


    The server operates on a Safezone-Borderlands system, where a continuously expanding 4k-radius area centred on spawn has claims, graves and disallows (unless with consent) griefing, killing and stealing. The Borderlands is much more resource-rich but allows griefing, killing and stealing and has no claims or graves. A big update is coming to the Borderlands, which adds lore centred on dead gods and adds a territory system where you can take over areas in the Borderlands for power and wealth.


    We have a very special mod, the [Origins](https://modrinth.com/mod/origins) mod! Along with the 9 base origins, we have roughly 55 custom origins, all carefully reviewed so that we can make sure each one is balanced, unique and well designed! You can even suggest custom origins, but it’ll have to be high quality. Of course, if you don’t like this mod, or don’t like your current origin, you can always pick Human or use your free two changes/craft an origin change.


    There’s many teams you can join, or even make yourself. Be it the anti-war neutral group Cafe 24, the Record Keepers with their huge document on all notable server events, the Samarian Rogue Brotherhood who worship a celestial they name Alsin, pursuing justice through following what they believe to be divine will at any cost, or the bigoted Aquatic Alliance, extremely Originist against ‘Terrestrioids’ and ‘Bathbombs’ and ruthless slave masters (not villagers! real players!), planning to flood the entire Borderlands.

    Server invite: https://discord.gg/fkgXwWfpta

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