Best Valhalla Minecraft Servers 2024

  • Valhalla: Where players attempt to grow crops while civilization crumbles around them

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    Valhalla: Where players attempt to grow crops while civilization crumbles around them

    Spread of Civilization Server Overview

    IP Address
    Version Java 1.20.4

    Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative new server that brings you a unique Minecraft experience with an extra touch of realism! The goal of this server is to encourage players to collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real.

    Key Features:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question Answer
    Can I join the server with any Minecraft version? Yes, the server is currently running on Java 1.20.4.
    How do I claim land on the server? You can automatically claim the land you use with Influence Claims based on your activity and contribution to the server.
    Are there limits on AFK farms? Yes, there are limits on AFK farms to maintain a balanced economy.
    Can I trade with other players on the server? Yes, you can set up shops using Shopkeepers or engage in player-to-player trade using TradeSystem.

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  • ValhallaMMO: Real life sim – Control your destiny and experience daily struggles in a virtual world of civilization!

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    ValhallaMMO: Real life sim – Control your destiny and experience daily struggles in a virtual world of civilization!

    Spread of Civilization Minecraft Server

    Discord Join our Discord
    Dynmap Visit Dynmap
    Version Java 1.20.4

    🌍 Spread of Civilization – Build a World That Feels Real! 🌍

    Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative new server that brings you a unique Minecraft experience with an extra touch of realism! The goal of this server is to encourage players to collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real.

    💰 Engage in a Real Economy 🔨

    Limits on AFK farms and rebalanced villagers put the economy back in the hands of the average player. Set up shops using Shopkeepers or engage in player-to-player trade using TradeSystem to buy and sell goods or build a trade empire! Become a master blacksmith, enchanter, or brewer in ValhallaMMO and create powerful materials that are desired across the land!

    🚣 Connect With Infrastructure, Not Teleports 🚂

    Master your local landscape and build real connections with your neighbors using Dynmap, SpeedyBoats, HsRails, and Rail Protector! You may teleport just once to join up with friends when you start on the server, but fear not – these plugins make travel a breeze.

    🌾 Realistic Farming & Changing Seasons 🌦️

    Immerse yourself in a dynamic environment with changing seasons that bring new challenges and opportunities. Find the best crops and animals to feed your city year-round with Real Farming, a plugin that alters the growth rates of plants and animals based on their environment. From the warmth of summer to the chill of winter, adapt your farming strategies and witness the breathtaking beauty of a world that evolves with time!

    🌐 Use-Based Land Claiming 🏡

    Say goodbye to the arbitrary limits of traditional land claiming and welcome Influence Claims, which allows you to automatically claim the land you use. Your activity and contribution to the server will determine the extent of your territory. Whether you’re a lone adventurer or part of a bustling community, claim your piece of the world and watch your influence grow!

    🌎 Dynamic Borders 🌄

    With Dynamic Borders, the world border expands over time as new players join and updates are released. New players will always have fresh territory to explore and conquer, creating a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. Explore uncharted lands, discover hidden treasures, and pave the way for a new era of civilization to rise!


    1. How do I join the server?

    To join the server, you need to use the IP address provided: Make sure you are using the correct Minecraft version (Java 1.20.4) and have a stable internet connection.

    2. Is there a Discord community for the server?

    Yes, there is a Discord community for Spread of Civilization. You can join the Discord server by clicking on the link provided above.

    3. How does the economy work on the server?

    The server has a real economy system where players can set up shops using Shopkeepers or engage in player-to-player trade using TradeSystem. Limits on AFK farms and rebalanced villagers put the economy back in the hands of the players.

    4. What is Dynmap and how can I use it?

    Dynmap is a plugin that allows players to view a live map of the server. You can access Dynmap by clicking on the link provided above and explore the world in real-time.

    5. What is ValhallaMMO and how can I become a master in it?

    ValhallaMMO is a feature on the server that allows players to specialize in skills such as blacksmithing, enchanting, and brewing. By honing your skills and creating powerful materials, you can become a master in ValhallaMMO.

    6. How does land claiming work on the server?

    Instead of traditional land claiming, Spread of Civilization uses Influence Claims, which automatically claim the land you actively use. Your activity and contribution to the server will determine the extent of your territory.

    7. Are there changing seasons on the server?

    Yes, the server has changing seasons that bring new challenges and opportunities for players. The Real Farming plugin alters the growth rates of plants and animals based on the season, allowing players to adapt their farming strategies accordingly.

    8. What is the goal of the Temple of the Gods and how can I participate?

    The Temple of the Gods is a special event on the server that offers a 10% boost to Valhalla skills experience gain. Players can join the fight for the temple to harness its power and enhance their abilities.

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  • ValhallaMMO: Where Pixels become Peasants in a Spreading Civilization! Realistic Economy, Farming, and Chocolate Coins!

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    ValhallaMMO: Where Pixels become Peasants in a Spreading Civilization! Realistic Economy, Farming, and Chocolate Coins!
    Server Information
    Version: Java 1.20.4
    Join Us
    Welcome to Spread of Civilization, an innovative new server that brings you a unique Minecraft experience with an extra touch of realism. The goal of this server is to encourage players to collaborate, trade, engage in diplomacy, and interact with the world in a way that feels real.
    Engage in a Real Economy
    Connect With Infrastructure, Not Teleports
    Realistic Farming & Changing Seasons
    Use-Based Land Claiming
    Dynamic Borders


    Q: What is the IP address of the server?

    A: The IP address is

    Q: What version of Minecraft is required to join?

    A: The server runs on Java 1.20.4.

    Q: How can I connect with other players on the server?

    A: You can join the Discord server at or use the Dynmap at to connect with other players.

    Q: What sets Spread of Civilization apart from other Minecraft servers?

    A: Spread of Civilization offers a realistic economy, infrastructure-based travel system, dynamic farming and seasons, use-based land claiming, and dynamic borders to create a unique and immersive gameplay experience.

    Q: How can I claim land on the server?

    A: You can claim land by actively using and contributing to the server, which will determine the extent of your territory through Influence Claims.

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  • Mystic Mountain

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    Mystic Mountain

    Embark on a virtual journey to the Viking era with Mystic Mountain, a Minecraft survival server inspired by the legendary Norse mythology and culture. Dive into a world where bravery, exploration, and conquest define your path. Engage in epic battles, build your settlements, and forge alliances as you strive to conquer the rugged landscapes of this immersive realm.

    Experience the thrill of trading, and mastering ancient crafts in a challenging yet rewarding environment. Unleash your inner warrior spirit as you navigate through treacherous terrains and face many dangerous creatures.

    Ready to carve your saga in the annals of this unique Minecraft world. Valhalla awaits the worthy!

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  • Valhalla or Bust Minecraft Server

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    Valhalla or Bust Minecraft Server
    Are you tired of boring old Minecraft servers where the only excitement is watching grass grow? Well, look no further because our server is the gateway to Valhalla – the land of epic battles and endless feasting!

    Join us and you’ll be greeted by a team of Viking warriors who will guide you on your quest to enter Valhalla. But be warned, only the bravest and most skilled players will be deemed worthy to enter the halls of the gods.

    New Minecraft Servers - Valhalla or Bust Minecraft Server

    Once you’re in Valhalla, you’ll have access to exclusive loot chests filled with enchanted weapons and armor, as well as a never-ending supply of mead and roasted boar. And if you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of Odin himself riding his majestic eight-legged horse, Sleipnir.

    So what are you waiting for? Join our server and start your journey to Valhalla today! Just be sure to bring your A-game, because the gods don’t take kindly to weaklings.

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  • MCBall – CTF – Paintball Server – Unlike any Other Minecraft Experience – SERVER IP:

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    MCBall – CTF – Paintball Server – Unlike any Other Minecraft Experience – SERVER IP:
    Inline image

    About MCBall - Hi, I own! MCBall is a Minecraft Paintball Capture the Flag server with many unique gameplay features. It is mostly undiscovered when compared to larger Minecraft servers but has been in constant development for years.


    What is MCBall? Why is it unique?

    MCBall, in its simplest description, is a completely custom Minecraft minigame that revolves around two teams, red and blue, trying to capture the other team’s flag and protect their own. The first to 3 captures wins the game, but it’s not that simple. Preventing you from capturing the enemy team’s flag is the entire enemy team armed with paintballs (snowballs) which kill on impact. When a person runs out of snowballs they must left click or press Q to reload. If a person dies he will respawn within 20 seconds at their team’s base. Also adding to gameplay mechanics arekits.

    What are kits?

    Kits are a large part of MCBall gameplay and add much variation and strategy. Any player can use one kit at a time and can select it by either /kit or clicking on the slimeball in their hotbar. Kits vary in what they do but they all influence playstyle and gameplay.Every kit has different killstreak effects at 3, 5 and 7 kills.

    An example of a few kits are:

    Sniper- Spawns with a rifle that can instantly kill a player being aimed at. Default of 30 second cooldown.

    3 killstreak – Cooldown reduced to 20 seconds5 KS – Cooldown is 15 seconds7 KS – Cooldown is 10 seconds

    Here is a video that a fan made of the sniper kit:

    Magneto- Can reflect paintballs back at attackers while reloading. Length of reflect depends on paintballs in inventory.

    3 KS – You now gain the reflect effect when you return the flag. Lasts 3 seconds.5 KS – You now gain the reflect effect when you pick up a flag.7 KS – If you get hit by a snowball you will not die and your reflect will activate for 3 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown.

    There are several more kits available for free and for donations. If you could pass me your ingame username I will unlock them all for you!

    Okay, MCBall seems fun, but how is the community?MCBall regularly hosts various competitions and tournaments and very much supports community involvement and participation in server development.We have just completed our 9th official tournament. Matches for tournaments are live streamed every weekend and you can check out some of the matches here:

    Among some of the contests that have been held are MCBall arena building competitions and a T-shirt design contest.As you can probably already tell, we care greatly about our community and without them, MCBall is nothing.

    Additional NotesEnter to join! Very friendly and organized staff that make recurring tournaments and contests possible!

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  • GuardianGames

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    Welcome to, an exciting Minecraft network currently in beta and mainly offers the popular game mode “CityBuild”. Our goal is to provide a unique and entertaining gaming experience that takes you into a virtual world full of creativity and adventure. At we attach great importance to an active and committed community. We are constantly striving to improve the gaming experience improve and therefore offer an open ear for feedback and suggestions.

    Best regards

    Guardian Games Team!

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    Don’t Drop the Soap server is a prison server in which you start at bottom doing various jobs to make money and purchase your way up the ranks. Once enough money is made, you may buy yourself out of prison, into freedom. More on these ranks and what jobs you can do to earn the ranks will be specified later on in this post.The server is online 24/7 ran on a dedicated server. We have 75 slots at the moment with little to no lag.


    From the lowest Block 3 to the prestige Block 0, life in prison becomes easier as you move up. With less PvP areas, better job, and an overall nicer environment, the price for each block increases as you move up. Below is the list of ranks that you can purchase by using the in-game command /rankup but you must have the money in your account or you will be denied for a rank up. You earn money to rank up by doing various jobs within the server like fishing, mining and many more which will be discussed in depth below!



    Cost: $0.00This is the starting block, this is where your journey begins. All new players start here. Here, the largest PvP area and hardest working jobs make life grim.


    Cost: $15,000

    A small step up from Block 3. The decreased PvP and higher paying jobs make the prison seem a bit better. Still always be sure to watch your back.


    Cost: $40,000The second highest block, this area has well paying jobs, and a reliable source of ready food. The vast space and nice architecture is much needed upgrade compared to the previous blocks.


    Cost: $75,000The most elite block prior to being free. This block has jobs that can’t be beat and has no PvP areas at all. Choose from either the dirt mine or the multiple mob farms for a steady income of money.


    Cost: $125,000You have bought your way out of prison, and are a free man! You are free to roam the world outside of prison. You can build whatever you want, wherever you want! Hide your base well because greifing is not prohibited. You may come back to the prison at any time to sell or buy whatever goods you have or may need. Keep in mind you must still abide by prison rules while in the prison.


    The highest achievable rank on the server, coming with great responsibility. The Warden maintains all activity going on in the server and prison. Only earned through trust and loyalty. The Warden regulates events, moderates the chat, and keeps the server at it’s best.


    Cost: Pricing at shop.ddtsmc.comDonor privelages Include:

    – More purchasable plots– Private Donator log mine– Sheep Farms– Ability to sell items for higher prices– Colored name in-game (You choose the colour)

    -Donations of $100 or more will grant the user a custom tag of choice as well as being part of the Uber-donor group.


    Failure to follow these rules may result in a ban or muteNone of the following is allowed:

    – Mods.– Cheating clients.– Advertising other servers.– Repeated offensive behavior.– X-ray texture packs / hacks.– Finding exploits and abusing them.

    – Doing large giveaways


    Failure to follow these rules may result in a jail

    None of the following is permitted in the prison:

    – Pushing.– PvP abusing.– PvP camping.– PvP safe-zoning.– PvP camping.– Using damaging potions (Poison, insta-damage).– Wielding contraband items (swords, flint and steel, bow and arrows).– Swords, If you’re caught with a sword a guard will ask for it and then count from 5.


    If you would like to be a guard in-game, feel free to send in an application at


    If you have been banned in-game, feel free to send in a ban appeal at

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  • SwoleCraft

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    IP for PC/Java: The official Stomsh Minecraft server! Featuring: Economy Survival, Creative plots, SkyWars, SkyBlock and PVP! New gamemodes will be added soon. NEW: The mall! Get your own shop to sell your items to other players in the beautiful new mall! The survival is an economy 1.16.5 survival, you can claim land, buy various items in the shop, trade with other players and you can even buy your own shop in the mall where you can sell your items! You can survival with all your friends, because the server is cross-platform!

    You can play with your Bedrock MCPE and W10 Edition as well! IP for bedrock (PE/W10) clients: (port: 25565) There is a nice community, especially on the official Discord. Please come and have a look around!

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  • SoftSlayer | 1.9 – 1.20.4 | Survival | Small Server | Community-focused | Java & Bedrock Crossplay

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    SoftSlayer | 1.9 – 1.20.4 | Survival | Small Server | Community-focused | Java & Bedrock Crossplay
    SoftSlayer is a small and simple community survival server. We are mostly vanilla with some sprinkles. Server has been running since 2011 non-stop, how unlucky. Bedrock support for PC, phones, Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox etc.

    Dynmap – Discord

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━⇒ How to join━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━Java IP:

    Bedrock IP:

    How to connect with Bedrock via consoles:Xbox – PS4, PS5 – Switch

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  • KiwiCloud

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    This is an amazing skyblock server where having fun is the top priority. We want to make your experience different than any other average skyblock server. We hope that you will at least check out our server and we hope you have fun.

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  • Holocraft

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    Welcome to Holocraft! We’re a small but friendly active server, the main purpose is to provide a relax and enjoyable experience for our players! We target to be one of the best minecraft server with a large variety of game modes for you and your friend or family to enjoy.

    • Survival – 1.18.1 – dungeon – pvp – economySkyblock – 1.18.1 • Vanilla – 1.18.1 • Bedwar- Coming soon • Prison- Coming soon • Factions – Coming soon

    IP Address: Website: Store: Discord:

    Connect to this Minecraft server using 1.8 to 1.18.1 client version using the ip

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  • 🔥 Vanilla Anarchy 🔥 NO HACKS 🔥 1.19

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    🔥 Vanilla Anarchy 🔥 NO HACKS 🔥 1.19

    🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥



    Set traps.



    Infiltrate your enemy’s base.

    Use whatever language you like.

    ONLY hackers get banned.

    Everything else is fair game!

    The world NEVER gets reset, and has a 30 million block radius.

    Explore anywhere and everywhere you want, but you’re on your own. No plugins, no starter kits. Hard mode is on.

    This is old-school vanilla survival multiplayer.

    Good luck!

    🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥


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  • Athenaz

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    Athenaz is a Minecraft Survival server created in March of 2020 by Yolk3y. Friendship, Rivalry, Creativity, and Survival are main aspects of Athenaz. A place truly magical and a server built off true community, Athenaz is a highly welcoming environment.

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  • Prism

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    #1 Christian Minecraft Server. Family safe and kid friendly! We are not just a meme. We ask player to follow our guidelines and rules and help keep Prism a friendly environment for all players!

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  • MCVerse City

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    MCVerse City
    UpdatesNovember Update – Global Markets and Improved Economy

    Now easier to get more sethomes as well as trade with other players to get the blocks you need to build your dream hideout! Or.. just dig your way out!! Our community grows..

    September 21 Event Start: Pocket world and Seasons!!

    We’ve also added player warps for you to share your builds with.

    General Info

    Stable vanilla survival experience with a mature community to trade and connect with. RandomTP, Claims, Market, Unlimited Open World. We plan to be around for a long time, perfect for casual and dedicated gamers alike.

    Massive world, no limits! 30k x 30k wild warp will expand as it gets used.

    Play on your own terms. Get your own world! Free 10k block claim.

    Market now live!

    Visit discord for map leaks. Recently upgraded server for no lag!

    Java Bedrock crossplay now available.

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