New Minecraft Servers
throne and liberty mistakes Minecraft Servers

throne and liberty mistakes

  • CroX-Network


    New Minecraft Servers

    Play on one of the best Balkan servers! IP: CroX-Network offers you: -> SkyBlock -> SkyPvP -> OpFactions -> Creative -> SkyWars -> RolePlay -> Factions -> SURVIVALGAMES…

    New Minecraft Server
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  • AnimeHeaven


    New Minecraft Servers

    Modded Anime Survival Server 1.7.10


    -Lots of Anime Weapons -multi-dimensions like twilight forest and aether -Infernal mobs to make more challenging fights -More enchantments -Magics like witchery and Thaumcraft -Craftable Custom consumable bullet shots -247 uptime

    contact thebunny442 on skype if you want help with mods

    New Minecraft Server
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  • MinePlaceNetworks


    New Minecraft Servers

    New Minecraft Server
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  • willycraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    willycraft has pvp,parkour,and king of the hill and comeing soon is CTF,spleef,team death match, so come to our server and coloer your name tag not ask to be a staff meber

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Atlantica – Custom Modpack

    Atlantica – Custom Modpack

    New Minecraft Servers

    Atlantica (Custom Modpack) – Modded.MC.Atlantica.US:25765 Open to everyone, no world resets, few banned items, GriefPrevention plugin. Simple rules: No griefing, No item duplication, and No PVP unless agreed to prior.

    Install instructions are here:

    Currently running my own modpack with the following mods: BattleGear, Applied Energistics 2, BigReactors, BiomesOPlenty, Carpenter’s Blocks, Chisel2, DenseOres, Enchanting Plus, EnderIO, EnderStorage, EnderTech, ExtraUtilities, IronChest, JABBA, MineFactoryReloaded, NEI, NetherOres, OpenBlocks, OptiFine, Practicalities, RandomThings, RedstoneArsenal, RotateableBlocks, SolarExpansion, SolarFlux, SpecialMobs, Thaumcraft, ThaumicEnergistics, ThaumicExpansion, ThaumicExploration, ThaumicTinkerer, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, Twilight Forest, Waila, WeaponMod, ZyinsHUD.


    New Minecraft Server
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  • Sorrow Server

    Sorrow Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    This a completely vanilla server! and because of that it is white-listed. If you wish to join the server please be aware most the member are older and anyone wishing to join should behave in an adult manner.

    If you are looking for a server where you can use the /spawn or set home commands or the ability to teleport to others or such then look somewhere else!

    However if you enjoy straight up vanilla survival you are heading in the right direction. This started off as a family server. I opened the server few friends who were left without a server when the Blamethecontroller fan server was changed into a subscriber only server. But it is time to open the door a few new people and to let some new blood on.

    Further in formation including the server rules can be found at my website.

    If you wish to join the server please head to my website and tell me why you’d like to join via the forum there.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • BananasCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Banana’sCraft is mainly known for its magnificent community, its endless hours of gameplay and the different worlds and modes make this an incredibly addictive server!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Alexcraft network 2.0

    Alexcraft network 2.0

    New Minecraft Servers

    We, are a small (wat) server network with ALOT of servers.

    We have:



    -Creative AND MORE TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Klipers Gaming Survival Server

    Klipers Gaming Survival Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    IP is Enjin page is We have: MCMMO, auctions, jobs, grief prevention and a creative world We are a friendly community, with helpful staff and players. You can buy a house in Seascape (spawn), buy a plot, or warp into the wild and build the house of your dreams. We have player shops in BoomTown so players can set up a shop and sell items. Be the top weekly or monthly voter and win rewards. Find us on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Discord at Kliper’s Gaming

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Seetiecraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Glad you found your way to our server. A small server for everyone.

    After a lot of debate, we came to the decision to bring our old server back into being, which at the time was at maximum capacity with 20 users.

    We still had to make a few small changes.

    The server is currently installed using Spigot and consists of several worlds. A total of 10 GB of RAM is available for lag-free gaming, which is more than enough. If necessary, we can still upgrade to 32 GB

    To help you build without the influence of creppers and co., we have created a property world for you in which, provided your house does not violate the rules, you can build on your property without limits.

    We have already prepared something for events too!

    Your owner

    New Minecraft Server
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