Server IP: mc.Nerdcrafteria.com
Minecraft version: 1.17.1
Nerdcrafteria is the official Minecraft server by Nerdfightersfor Nerdfighters!
Players work together to create a fun environment for everyone. Our server has multiple worlds including a monster-free main world featuring an economy plugin and purchasable plots, a monthly-resetting resource world where you can gather things to sell to our Admin shop, as well as survival, skyblock and creative worlds for you to enjoy!
Nerdcrafteria is owned by Hank Green of the Vlogbrothers. The server was founded in September 2012. Our focus is on promoting a fun family gaming environment for all, while raising money for The Foundation to Decrease Worldsuck! A registered non-profit with the goal of making the world a better place!
Nerdcrafteria is a family friendly, PG oriented server. Anyone may log in, but you will be asked to accept our Code of Conduct upon joining. By accepting you agree to follow our rules and help us maintain the kind and welcoming atmosphere we’ve all grown accustomed to for almost a decade! Our motto is: DFTBA!
- Dont
- Forget
- To
- Be
- Awesome
While Nerdcrafteria is owned and paid for entirely by Hank Green, we do have a Donation storeWhere you will find various perks and boons you can donate toward!
100% of proceeds go to The Foundation to Decrease World Suck. Make sure to check with your parents if you’re under 18 before making any purchases, and read the Terms and Conditions before sending in any donations!
More Information can be found on our website at Nerdcrafteria.comon our Discord and by watching our server tour video!
We hope to see you on the server!