is possible from a computer and mobile support bedrock 1,20,10 survival mode – privates through cities, private immediately chunk vulture and pvp disabled work economy shop buyer while in settings industrial plugins new ores, electricity, oil, jetpacks, etc. pets you can pump up their inventory, health, damage, skills, beacon, etc, you can order them to collect loot or sit on revenge, you can ride like a horse, you can attack mobs, pets or players, mini games, mob arena, etc, pvp mode vulture and pvp enabled – private through blocks – dragon spawns with valuable coins every 4 hours – meteorites consisting of precious ores and obsidian fall; the meteorite in the center has a barrel of treasure; the barrel has a guard protecting its unique jewelry from the meteorite; you can use them to buy top enchantments 7 or 10 level at the merchant at spawn, airdrops fall periodically on the map with valuable loot inside java pe/be port 26330 VK group https://vk.com/kapibariys enjoy the game