Boredom and imbalance. Its been a problem ever since minecraft servers have been initiated, players with netherite walking around, with the end completed in less than 2 hours, and everyone miles ahead of you. And you… just a basic player with no more than stone tools and a shield. This… This is a horrible feeling, the feeling that you wont be able to catch up, or that theres nothing left to do, a feeling of empty accomplishment. Its such an unencouraging feeling that youll leave the server and hunt down servers that have just started, just to experience the drive for completion, and most the times, you wont find it, and for the ones that you do? Youll get bored in less than a week. Is there a solution? Probably not, but there may be alternatives. Lineage- This idea popped in my head after joining a minecraft server that had been open for less than a week, and seeing giant sculptures and everyone decked with netherite armor. I had no idea what to do as everything had been monopolized and everything was completed, nothing left. This idea is what i call Lineage. Every day a vote will happen to reset the server, if the vote is successful, a shrine near spawn will have a beacon light appear from it, and specific abilities and items can be passed through the light, to affect your next life. Tyrants? Monopolization? Riches? All of these are possible except Immortality, even if you manage to get these your life is not infinite, and the imbalance that your character has against others will be one day balanced, giving everyone an equal shot at power and control. Speed is key… Speed is key…