This semi-premium server uses exclusively the real version 1.11.2 of Minecraft, and the most vanilla gamerules possible. We use top 10 Plug-Ins such as Residence, FeatherBoard, Factions… etc. to which we put a lot of time into translation, and above all configuration. If you have come to this page looking for servers, you should give it a try.
Features to highlight over most other survival servers: – You can summon the Wither freely in the ”Resources” world. – You can use automatic redstone clocks and circuits without restrictions (except AFK/Away farming). – You can perfectly use nether portals, for any purpose, such as gold farms, except for locking/trolling with it. – The use of any Minecraft item (such as TNT) is not disabled at any rank. – Extra and personalized enchantments using runes.
Key rules (there are more, but these are the most important): – You cannot mine in the Survival world, nor cut down without replanting. – Regarding the previous rule, there is a “Resources” world (which resets every 1st day of the month) and in which you can do the aforementioned activities. – You can troll and tpakill, but you cannot troll in stores (scam).
Additional info: This server is semi-premium. This means that non-premium users will need to use a nick that is not in use by any premium accounts in all of minecraft, or they will receive an error because premiums are protected from spoofing and account hijacking with /register.