scent preferences Minecraft Servers

2024 Best scent preferences New Minecraft Servers

  • SmellCraft: Culture Clash

    SmellCraft: Culture Clash
    so, liek, dis minecraft server is, liek, totally epic cuz it has, liek, all da smells from different cultures in it. u can, liek, smell da pleasantness of, liek, exotic odors from all over da world. it’s, liek, a sensory adventure, man. u can, liek, travel through different biomes and experience da scents of, liek, a million flowers or, liek, a thousand farts. it’s, liek, mind-blowing, dude. join dis server and, liek, expand ur olfactory horizons. it’s, liek, a whole new level of minecraft experience. u won’t, liek, believe ur nose, man.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • XbrosMC Survival

    XbrosMC Survival

    Welcome, we are a new upcoming server network launching ourselves into the communtiy, with custom plugins and everything!

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  • Polandcraft


    Server Name: Polandcraft Server Locale: New York, United States Website: Server Address/IP: Version: 1.7.4 Game Play Type/s: [PvP][Anarchy][Factions]

    Rules: Generally just don’t be a dick and spawn kill newbies, let people get a fair way out (there’s pvp timer for this).

    Mod List: Factions, Essentials, Worldedit, Worldguard, Tree mod, Potions, Book mod, pvp timer

    Admin: Hudson9700

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  • Baldurs Gate

    Baldurs Gate

    Baldur’s Gate is a great PVP, Raiding, Griefing server! No Factions because factions suck!

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  • McWarside


    Join now! We have many different game types and will be adding more soon! As of now we have factions, survival, and an OPFactions server! Our staff is the best and the server is Co-Owned. With our 32 gigs of ram per server, the server has NO lag so join now! We have awesome spawns and hubs with amazing plugins! Now with KitPvP! JOIN NOW

    Server IP

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  • DivinePVP


    DivinePVP! Factions – Raid – Grief server! We’re hiring, Coders, Developers and Mods, we currently have donations up, try /buy in game, most of all, Enjoy our server! Today our main Code and Owner – Dragoon has coded most of the server so it is not fully finished, but we will develop more soon!

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  • publiclir


    Welcome to PubliclirMc. PubliclirMc is a server with nice players and a nice staff who helps you with everything you need. The server is based on pvp and towny. If you have any questions about the server or anything else we are happy to help you on the server. Hope to see you in-game and have a nice day!

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    New Minecraft Server
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  • Somnus Realms

    Somnus Realms

    Somnus is a fun server designed for Minecraft at its purest. The main world is survival with towns, skills and magic! The unique magic allows you to do things that no other server lets you do – use nature magic to change the weather and time, or become a vampire, resistant to fall damage and able to turn others into your own kind… There are a range of magic classes that you can pick from as soon as you join in your Class Selection book!

    The server also features a unique shop book, which you can use to purchase and sell items to the server or to other players in an easy way. The server’s currency is emeralds, and if you prefer mining to selling then we have a resource world that regenerates regularly to make sure it’s filled with emeralds!

    Our rules are simple: 1 – No griefing or raiding, even in wilderness (blocks are logged) 2 – No hacking or use of any modification that provides an unfair advantage 3 – No spamming or advertising in chat 4 – Be nice, excessive bad language or harassment of players won’t be tolerated 5 – Fight fairly, don’t trick players into teleporting to you in order to kill them, or excessively target a player

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  • MonkeyPrison


    We are a Hardcore Prison server rank A-K as well as Free and prestige. The goal of the server is to rankup as well as escaping from jail. You escape from jail by mineing, and rankinup and gets to the free rank!


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  • DawnFire Realms – Somnium

    DawnFire Realms – Somnium

    DFR in a nutshell:

    We aim for serious, mature roleplay survival in a realistic dark fantasy world inspired by the lore of Fall from Heaven II. We have 4 main races with MCMMO and Heroes offering 129 possible tier6 combinations of race dependent combat classes and 3 tier6 professions. For a settlement to be self-sufficient it only needs 3 characters with the tier8 professions: Enchanter, Engineer and Forgemaster! A dedicated plugin set offers a.o.: Towny, a precious things economy and many realism enhancing features. We also have a trusted rank system offering perks for our most dedicated players, who rankup though playing, voting and/or donating.

    On March 10 we have opened a dream world for all to join called Somnium during alpha. On June 6th we declared beta phase and on September 21st we launched a new and bigger (16k*16k!) carefully selected vanilla seeded map for Somnium. Check out our Live Map @ ! Somnium is the world where you all (Souls) can enjoy the experience of our plugin set and the enlightening presence of the other community members, moderators (Guardians) and administrators (Seraphs). All players will start in a spawn town, Astarte, on Somnium. We are creating a huge (32k*32k!) custom designed map for our mortal world Vesperus. That will be whitelisted and requires a dedicated character bio. Whitelisted players (Mortals) wil be allowed to travel there through Nemesis. Somnium will not be disbanded and will remain non-whitelisted and a training ground for both roleplay and survival.

    Since Somnium launch we have build a decent roleplayer base, we have significantly expanded our staff team and build a decent plugin set that supports realistic immersive roleplay survival.

    On Sept. 21st we launched a new Somnium Vanilla seeded map of 16k*16k! … and much of Somnium is still uncolonized (April 13th 2015)! Players that haven’t played since before Sept. 21st haven’t lost anything. Their characters can stuff their inventories with all their valuables and do /spawn to start in the new Somnium world.

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  • NTraid RPG Survival Server

    NTraid RPG Survival Server
    NTraid RPG Survival Server
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