MineRealm Server Overview
Key Features | Core gameplay close to vanilla |
Gameplay Mechanics | Fully optional meta-gameplay |
Community Aspects | Over 265,000 unique players since 2010 |
Server | game.minerealm.com |
Website | minerealm.com |
Rules | minerealm.com/rules |
About MineRealm
We strive to keep core gameplay as close to vanilla as possible, while adding on additional (and fully optional) meta-gameplay. We’ve been up and running since Oct 28, 2010, making us the third longest running legit survival SMP server!
Q: How do I join the server?
A: You can join by entering the server IP: game.minerealm.com
Q: Are there any specific rules I need to follow?
A: Yes, please visit our website at minerealm.com/rules for a list of rules.
Q: Can I invite my friends to play on the server?
A: Of course! The more, the merrier. Feel free to share the server IP with your friends.