Hello there, fellow gamers! We are excited to share that Icecraft is now welcoming new members to join our thriving community. Our server offers a diverse range of ranks and roles, allowing you to customize your gaming experience to your preferences. Currently, we are utilizing the wss://icecraft-reborn.luisfierro01.repl.co/server IP address, and we are actively working on making our Java IP address available, with the possibility of a Bedrock IP in the future.
Our server boasts an array of exciting features, including new game modes, loot chests, and other thrilling additions. Our team is tirelessly devoted to ensuring that the server runs smoothly 24/7, continuously adding plugins to improve your gameplay experience. The server is owned by lfierro743 and Datking, and we frequently update it to provide the best possible gaming experience.
If you’re interested in becoming a part of our vibrant community, please click the link provided https://forms.gle/KUE6Vr4VsoWhGpxJA to enter our 1.14.2 server. You definitely don’t want to miss out on this incredible opportunity! Additionally, we highly recommend joining our Discord server https://discord.gg/d2q4WNVyVn, where you can connect with other players and stay up-to-date with the latest server news and updates.
We are proud to say that we offer optimal gameplay performance with half dence TPS and stable FPS. Lastly, please keep in mind that we use Falixnodes instead of our previous hosting provider, so be sure to /register and /login to access our server. We can’t wait to see you in-game and welcome you to the Icecraft community! and /login, as we use Falixnodes instead of our previous hosting provider.