New Minecraft Servers
post office new scheme 2025 odisha Minecraft Servers

post office new scheme 2025 odisha

  • DementiaCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    DementiaCraft is a community, started by some older, more seasoned players who wanted to create a server where players, all aged 25 and above, could share a passion for building, and exploring this pixelated world. Our mission is to cultivate a virtual haven that is free from toxicity, and brimming with respect, responsibility, and fun.

    DementiaCraft is a safe space and we expect nothing less than kindness, consideration, inclusivity, and maturity – that means we vet people before whitelisting and only accept applications if you are 25+ of age.

    DementicaCraft is home Check out a photo album from our community

    If this sounds like a server for you, jump over to our website and read more about the server and the join process.


    Check out a video tour of our server made by LordDawsonVII. There are several other videos LordDawsonVII and Xary Kim have created on our server — I’d highly recommend checking them out.

    Application process

    We often receive a significant influx of applications during the week of our postings here. If We often receive a significant influx of applications during the week of our postings here. If your application catches our eye, we’ll make sure to contact you via Discord. Hence, it’s crucial that you provide your Discord username accurately, and you are able to accept friend requeststo ensure we can reach out without any hitches. Our moderators are dedicated to reviewing each application thoroughly, but please bear in mind, that due to real-life obligations, it may take a couple of days for us to respond. We appreciate your patience.

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  • SupernaLuna


    New Minecraft Servers

    The SupernaLuna SMP is a small(er) mature community where quality beats quantity and you can’t pay2win. Whatever your gameplay is, there’s a home sweet home for you here. We did a soft reset for Economy and McMMO levels in 12/2023.

    Server wide contest will be announced this Friday! Be sure to join the Discord.

    Discord Link:

    A full list of Plug-ins and Features can be found on our Discord, but here’s a taste:

    · MCMMO

    · Player specific commands for Donors

    · CoreProtect

    · Vein Miner

    · Tree Feller

    Other things to know:

    · Adult Community

    · Player shops are encouraged – what you sell, what you charge/trade is your call

    · No griefing or stealing

    · PvP must be consensual

    · No x-ray, hacked clients or item duping

    · Zero tolerance for hate speech and general human indecency


    · “xMoniarty#7292” on discord if you have any questions

    New Minecraft Server
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  • BudderCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    We’re an in-development/beta server dedicated to 3 main points:

    – Provide a variety of feature-rich modes

    – Strict prevention of all forms of cheating, no matter the caliber

    – A community that is friendly no matter the skill level. a.k.a no toxic behavior.

    We try to provide a variety of content, however given how small the development team is (at the moment, only 3 builders and 1 plugin developer), updates and changes will take a long time. Basically every mode is being re-imagined (Our first of these will be Tower Defense coming out this month!). Given this nature, features, playerdata, and basically everything else isn’t perfectly stable, and may n change in a flash. Now is the perfect time to come playtest and not only help grow our community, but to help find issues and propose new ideas.

    BudderCraft is extremely strict on preventing cheating of any kind. Due to this, no mods (except those listed towards the end) are allowed, and this will never change (except potentially for Fabric, Forge and Lunar in the far future when we can limit their functionality). No bedrock modding will ever be allowed mostly due to console users having no legal way of obtaining them. Any intentional ways to get around this will result in a permanent, unpardonable ban. However mods aren’t the only way to cheat. Any other forms, weather with ways of automation (hacks, mods, resource packs, we don’t allow them atm, but a whitelist feature will be added someday) or not (game exploits, alt accounts, “win-trading” – where people in competitive modes play for a specific result rather than trying to win individually, and many more), all cheating rule breaks will almost certainly result in an unpardonable ban. Any form of piracy will also be given the same treatment.

    A central point to a fun online game is to only allow fun and friendly people to play it. Anyone being rude for no reason, whether in a competitive environment or not, will not be tolerated whatsoever, especially if it involves personal attacks against specific traits of the person (race, sexuality, gender, etc.). While there is a way to breach this unpunished, not only does everyone who can see the content have to have explicitly said they’re ok with it, but mods and admins can disallow it for any reason (mostly to prevent people from harassing others behind their back).

    Other small points: – 1.9+ style PvP. 1.8 pvp is over a decade old at this point, if you haven’t gotten used to it yet, skill issue.

    – there is a very quick section once you join for the first time. You must complete it to continue, and cannot chat or send commands (except /helpop) until you do so. It only takes 1 minute, if that. It only exists to filter out bots and people who have no ability to read (since it features things I had to have answered all the time).

    – If you are unsure about something on the server, rather than bothering busy staff, use our tutorials (either /warp HowToPlay or /help. Most modes have a “how to play” hologram at their respective spawnpoint). Staff are allowed to ignore help requests that these things answer.

    – Joining our discord is not required but highly recommended. It is very helpful for posting/gettting feedback and update/uptime info. You can get our discord link by using /discord on the server (we aren’t posting the link here as joining the minecraft server is a requirement to join anyways, so you might as well do that first)

    If you’re ready to check us out, join with the IP below. We always run on the latest version (as every server should), however it may take a week or two to update versions once a new one releases.

    IP(Java and Bedrock):

    NO MODDED OR PIRATED CLIENTS ALLOWED!!!!!!!! IF YOU ARE CAUGHT USING ONE, YOU WILL BE IMMEDIATLY BANNED!!!!!!!!(However, we do allow some, which are listed below)(We are not open to suggestions for more)

    Allowed Clients:

    – Badlion Client (Only specifed mods below are allowed)

    Allowed Mods for Lunar/Badlion(Note: any setting not listed here will be automatically disabled and blocked when you join! Also, all these mods are in Badlion’s names, so they may have a different name in Lunar):

    – Animations

    – Block Overlay

    – Clear Glass

    – CPS

    – Crosshair

    – Damage Tint

    – Enchant Glint

    – FPS

    – Hit Color

    – Item Physics

    – KeyStrokes

    – OofMod

    – Ping

    – Tab

    Please note that we are still in our beta phase, so expect bugs and lacking features. Feel free to make suggestions on what we need done before official release!

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  • PokeClash Cobblemon SMP

    PokeClash Cobblemon SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to PokeClash! A small-time server just looking to have fun without everything locked behind a paywall! We try to keep things as simple as possible for anyone who joins! We may not boast some of the features other servers have, but we try to be as fun as possible!


    Cobblemon Version: 1.4.1 Fabric


    ✅ Dex Ranks

    Player Markets

    Player Warps

    ✅ Land Claiming

    Breeding with Daycare

    ✅ Mass Outbreaks✅ Catch Combos

    ✅ Pokehunts

    ✅ PokeBingo

    ✅ PokeBuilder

    ✅ Custom Pokemon Skins

    ✅ Fakemon

    ✅ WonderTrade

    ✅ Cobblemon Community Leaderboards

    ✅ Community PokeTasks

    ✅ GTS

    ✅ Pokemon Trading

    ✅ Player Gym Leaders

    ✅ Legendary Spawns!

    ✅ Keep Inventory

    ✅ Resource World

    ✅ Cosmetics

    ✅ Custom Terrain Generation

    ✅ Server Events

    ✅ Cobblemounts

    ✅ Custom Starters

    ✅ EV Training NPCs

    Server Links & Info


    Mod Packs

    Modrinth Modpack:

    CurseForge Modpack:

    Technic Modpack:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Pandamium’s Snapshot Server

    Pandamium’s Snapshot Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Pandamium’s snapshot server is a experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends!

    Our aim is to update to every new snapshot that comes out (usually every Wednesday) with experimental features enabled such as bundles, and 1.21 content! We discuss new and upcoming features, and host watch parties for Minecraft Live every year! If you join now you will be able to experiment with the crafters, Trial Chambers, the breeze, vaults, armadillos, wolf armour, wind charges, the boggedand so much more!

    We have a very friendly community and multiple towns to join with a diamond-based trading economy. Since the height of our popularity from 2019 to 2022, the community has gotten a bit smaller but we still average around 10 players online at any given time. We reset the End every month to allow for exploration of end cities for new players, and we run an enchanced dragon fight once per month with a dragon egg up for grabs, but we aim to never reset the overworld and nether.

    We expect to be reworking many aspects of the server over this new year including adding warps and mailing using the latest data pack tech, and introducing more ways to have fun with friends in the snapshots!


    Version: 24w07a (Latest Snapshot for 1.20.5 / 1.21) updating to 24w10a has been postponed due to technical breaking changes in that version and 24w09a that are not resolved yet_



    If you have any questions, we have a very helpful staff team, and usually multiple moderators online on the servers and on Discord, to assist with any issues or requests. We also have a Release Server if you’d prefer a more stable experience.

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  • 🌋MagmaCraft SMP

    🌋MagmaCraft SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Hey There, Welcome to 🌋MagmaCraft SMP!

    Would you like to join? Press Here Or Press the link below!

    🤔Have you been looking for a HermitCraft type server that is still fresh? Well your in luck, Our server just started!!

    About us

    Magmacraft SMP is a new HermitCraft like server. We try and offer a great and fun community to engage with while maintaining a vanilla experience to the user (apart from a few datapacks to enhance the gameplay experience.

    Although the server is fresh and we haven’t been online for long, we look forward to finding new members to make this community as awesome as it can be!

    How to join?

    Joining is quite easy! Follow the link on top of this post and join the discord server! From there we ask you to answer a few questions via an application. After we have received your application we will review it and whitelist you to the server if you made it in

    (note: we are not too strict with the applications, we just want to find people that suit our server the best!)

    What do we offer?

    By joining our (awesome) SMP server, we offer you the following:

    -Fun, Active and Nice community

    -A 24/7 Running Minecraft Server

    -HermitCraft like server with shopping district

    -The best possible time!

    🙌So what are you waiting for! Join our discord and make MagmaCraft SMP Awesome!!!🙌

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  • Red Panda Anarchy

    Red Panda Anarchy

    New Minecraft Servers

    Come check out Red Panda Anarchy.

    The map was reset in January for the first time in 3 years. Hack clients are welcome with enabled Elytra Fly for those who enjoy a more relaxed anti-cheat. Boatfly will also work at low speeds.

    I highly recommend joining the discord for the full experience.

    • NO BANS EVER!!! (Hack clients are welcomed)
    • If the anticheat keeps kicking you disable anti-hunger. Only speed and flight hacks are blocked.

    • You CANNOT be banned from the Minecraft servers

    • Discord:

    • IP: (

    • Commands: /discord, /suicide

    • Dupe Video: Video Showing Dupe

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  • RetroVerse


    New Minecraft Servers

    🚀 BRAND NEW!! RetroVerse – A Mature Server for you to chill after college/work.

    a server where adulting meets Minecraft! Perfect for unwinding after work or studies, RetroVerse offers a mature, relaxed space for all you grown-ups out there who still love a good Minecraft session.

    🌟 What’s Cooking in RetroVerse?🌟

    🛋️ Just Chill: Kick back and play at your own pace. A place where you don’t feel the compulsion to play 24/7 just cause a random kid with no life decided to speedrun the entire game.

    🎉 Bi-Weekly Events : Epic events every other week to spice things up! So you’re never consumed by bored / run out of things to do.

    👌 Simply vanillla : No stupid claim plugin or any game changing “QOL” datapacks, just vanilla!

    🙌 Your Voice Matters: Our server is entirely community Driven! You should get to decide what you can/can’t do in your time , not some random admin dude .

    🤝 A Trust-Based Community: Inspired by Hermitcraft, we value honesty and integrity.

    🔞 Made for adults : We’re primarily 18+ but anyone who deems themselves worthy/mature through their solid application is welcome

    🐦‍⬛ Not a crowded Mess: only 5-10 active players at any given time , (apart from rush times )

    🖥️ Top-Tier Server Specs:

    🔥 Powerhouse CPU: Ryzen 9 7950X

    💾 Massive RAM: 32GB DDR5

    🔒 Constant Off-Site Backups: Never loose your progress!

    🛡️ DDoS Protection: As less downtime as humanly possible!

    (These are basically the best specs money can buy for a minecraft server, all to say that you will never have to watch your pets move in a slideshow / aka lag)

    What we expect from you.

    Have fun, Be mature, Don’t cause unnecessary Drama

    💬 Why You’ll Love RetroVerse:

    this is a server where you’re not just a player – you’re part of a community. Where your ideas shape the world, your builds are secure, and where every logout leaves you excited for your next login. RetroVerse is more than just a server; it’s a community where memories are made, friendships are forged, and the fun never ends.

    How do i join?

    (make sure to read around BEFORE! submitting the application , or we’d know otherwise)Discord :

    (you have to submit an application, yes i know they can be scary but its far simpler than you might think. but do note that all low effort applications are instantly denied)

    if you need any help feel free to reach out to me ( Retro_Sapien) on discord, i’ll be happy to help ya 😃

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  • Tilted Tavern Towny Earth

    Tilted Tavern Towny Earth

    New Minecraft Servers


    Map URL:

    Welcome to Tilted Tavern – Conquer a World of Adventure!Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey unlike any other? Look no further than Tilted Tavern, where we’re sporting a world that’s a 500:1 scale replica of our beloved planet Earth. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of our vast landscapes, bustling cities, and untamed wilderness. Join us in creating your own destiny, one block at a time!

    Server Features:

    • 🏰 Towny System: Build your dream city or join an existing one using our robust Towny plugin. Form alliances and create a thriving community with other players. Go out into the wilderness and scavenge abandoned or fallen towns for loot!
    • 💼 Custom Jobs: Embark on various career paths with our custom jobs system. Whether you’re a resourceful miner, a skilled builder, or a chill fisher, there’s a job for you!
    • 🏭 Factories: Dive into our factory system and automate resource production like never before. Thrive in the industrial age!
    • 🚚 Deliveries: Deliver goods and facilitate trades within a time limit for a grand payout!
    • 🛒 Shops & Auctions: Set up your own shops to trade goods with fellow players. Participate in thrilling auctions and score rare items to enhance your gameplay.
    • 🗺️ Live Earth Map: Keep track of your epic journey with our dynamic live map. Witness the intricate details of our 500:1 scale Earth in real-time!
    • 🌟 Ranks & Levels: Climb the ranks by earning experience through various activities. Unlock exciting perks and showcase your achievements to the entire server without needing to pay real money for ranks!
    • 🔮 Slimefun: Engage in magical innovation with our Slimefun plugin. Discover new items, machines, and enchantments to enhance your gameplay.
    • 🏡 Claims & LWC: Protect your hard-earned creations using our claim system. Keep your items secure with LWC locks, ensuring a worry-free experience. As long as your town is thriving, your stuff is secure!
    • 🎨 ArtMaps: Unleash your artistic side with ArtMaps. Create stunning masterpieces and display them for all to admire in your town. Sell your grand artworks for millions!
    • 🎉 Events & More: Participate in exciting server-wide events, challenges, and competitions. Climb to the top and win amazing rewards and forge lasting friendships with fellow players!

    Join us at and become a part of our ever-expanding Minecraft community. Whether you’re an architect, an explorer, a strategist, or a dreamer, Tilted Tavern offers an adventure tailored to your desires. Get ready to shape the course of history on our monumental Earth replica. The journey awaits, so claim your spot today!

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  • Janitor’s Closet SMP

    Janitor’s Closet SMP

    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to The Janitor’s Closet! Originally started as a small survival server 2 years ago, over time we set up servers to have a more worldbuilding and roleplay aspect to them.

    The reason we are telling you this is because over the course of these 2 years we have learned from mistakes and have set up a new server that’s purpose is to provide worldbuilding via all roleplay, nations, lore, and drama

    We want players to join and build their own stories, and see how theirs interacts with others in the grand scheme of things. Everybody is welcome!

    Discord Info:

    Joining our Discord is required, everyone who joins does have to fill out a quick app after reading the rules, this is so that we filter out any bad folks and goons.

    Joining the discord is also jus fun, we have a nice community and once in a while we host an event jus to bring people close and remind everyone that we’re all pals at the end of the day

    Our Plugins!:

    • Dynmap
    • SimpleVC
    • SetHome
    • Deadchest
    • CombatLog
    • Brewery
    • And others!

    Come join us in our small but hopefully growing community and make your story!

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