The Dragons Cave|1.20.4 features | voice chat mod | custom items and crates| Rideable Dragons | PVP/PVE | Magic |with constant updates and development, we welcome new artists as well to submit there items here and offer people a chance to help generate a clean community.getting tired of them servers that are either too evil, too bias, or just plain unfair?help us out! lets make a clean place we wanna be together!Play.Cyvers.Ro
Server IP: MC.Cyvers.Ro Store: https://store.cyvers.ro Forum: https://cyvers.ro Discord: https://cyvers.ro/discord
Re-launch of Landycraft, this server had been closed for at least 3 years and has now been re-opened, this server is a unique server where you can do everything, from survival, mini-games, new items, etc. For more information you can visit the page landycraft.cl
Devil mc
Server IP: node2.godnetwork.fun:25588node2.godnetwork.fun:25588
Amplified, Bungeecord, Creative World, Grief Prevention, home, Land Claim, Minigames, PvE, PvP, SurvivalClose to Vanilla Minecraft Amplified SMPvP Free Build Self-Service Protections no need to ask an admin to claim your zones all infos at: www.ccraft.de
VoidCraft Network
Why hello everyone, We are VoidCraft, A Large-Scale server network with Adventure and and Openworld gamemodes Tuned for as much fun as possible. We’re Really open to suggestions on our forums, and we have great staff, We’d love you to come and play with us! We have been online for a YEAR now! All of this time was spent building and Tuning our gamemodes, We hope you have fun! So come join us at: play.voidcraft.net
For more info and updates, Please check the forum Below: https://voidcraft.net/
This information may be out of date (Edited 28/Mar/2017)
Playing survival game all day long, having fun alone is not as good as having fun with others, having technology and other wild things You Almost play yourselves Can you play with us ? We have SlimeFun Technology and Another Event!
Server IP: eu.mc4fun.net Server IP: Play.mc4fun.net Server version: 1.8 – 1.16.4 Server type: Survival Server capacity: 200 people Server location: Turkey Average ping: between 5-30eu.mc4fun.net
Welcome To EbexPvP!
EbexPvP is a KitPvP server with plugins to make the server even more enjoyable to play on! Plugins make it possible for you to trade and duel another player, but also open awesome crates with loot.
The server has a small staff but all very trustworthy and friendly. The community that plays on this server is a small English speaking community.
Try ruling the battlefield by having the best gear, skills, and teammates! Join now and have fun! IP: ebexpvp.lets-play.ml
Hello everyone
One this server you can play factions, we might at some more game modes if there will be more donation so we can run more severs i hope you guys can vote for the server. have a nice
Kind Regards