New Minecraft Servers
overwhelming sadness Minecraft Servers

overwhelming sadness

  • Endless Nightmares Never Ending

    Endless Nightmares Never Ending

    New Minecraft Servers

    Join the Server Where Reality Crumbles! Or Doesn’t? Who Knows?!

    Looking for the greatest Minecraft server experience that simultaneously might just be the worst thing you’ve ever done? Welcome to “Blockheads of the Apocalypse”! You won’t believe your senses; the pixels are alive, whispering secrets about the world we think we know… or don’t know? Join now, before it’s too late or too early—time is a flat circle here, and your understanding of actual existence will be shattered!!

    FeatureWhy It Matters
    Zombie Fish NPCsThey ask questions about your life choices. Answers? Who needs ’em?
    Endless Chicken GeneratorsThey spit out eggs but never give you the joy of a chicken. It’s an unwinnable game!
    Existential Crisis ArenaFight waves of doubt and despair! Will you survive the night? Or the day?
    Inverted Gravity PitsFall up and wonder how you even got down here… or if you were ever meant to be here.
    Nightmare Mode for Daytime ActivitiesEvery task takes twice the effort but only half the sanity! Perfect balance!

    FAQ That Doesn’t Help

    Q: How do I join the server?

    A: You must first consult the moon on a Tuesday while wearing mismatched socks. If you see shadows that wave goodbye, you’re already too late!

    Q: What are the server rules?

    A: Rules are like socks—when they’re not there, everything gets uncomfortable. Just do what feels right, and you’ll automatically do the wrong thing!

    Q: Is there a community?

    A: Community? Or an illusion created by your brain to cope with suffering? Choose wisely. Or don’t. No one’s actually judging!

    Random Server Reviews

    “I think about death all the fucking time.”

    “Some confounding problem or question that I’m unable to get to the bottom of.”

    “Being able to let go of this pointless existence…”

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CryCraft: The Ultimate Meltdown Server

    CryCraft: The Ultimate Meltdown Server

    New Minecraft Servers

    Are you tired of crying alone in the dark? Well, fear not, because on our Minecraft server, we guarantee you’ll be crying tears of joy from all the fun you’ll be having!

    Join us and experience the most outrageous and hilarious adventures you’ve ever seen in Minecraft. From riding pigs off cliffs to building giant statues of your favorite meme characters, the possibilities are endless!

    But wait, there’s more! Our server is also home to the legendary Crybaby Clan, a group of players who have mastered the art of crying in the most epic and dramatic ways possible. Join them and learn their secrets to becoming the ultimate crybaby in Minecraft!

    So what are you waiting for? Come join us and let the tears of laughter flow as you embark on the craziest Minecraft journey of your life!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • PixelPainGrief


    New Minecraft Servers

    Are you tired of getting wrecked in Minecraft by creepers and skeletons? Well, fear no more because on our server, the mobs are so bad at aiming that they couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn even if they tried! Join us and experience the joy of watching zombies trip over their own feet and skeletons shooting themselves in the foot (literally)!

    But wait, there’s more! Our server is home to the legendary Diamond Chicken, a majestic creature that lays diamonds instead of eggs. Imagine the riches you’ll amass just by hanging out with this blinged-out bird!

    And if that’s not enough to convince you, how about this: our server is protected by a team of invincible unicorns who will rain down glittery justice on anyone who tries to grief or steal. They’re like the Avengers, but with more rainbows and sparkles.

    So come join us on the most epic Minecraft server in existence, where the mobs are terrible shots, the chickens are made of diamonds, and unicorns are the ultimate protectors. Your hardest loss will be not joining sooner!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • CaballoCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Are you looking for a good MineCraft server? What we offer you: Individual worlds: Each player gets their own world where they can do whatever they want. Everything can be achieved without donations: Of course donations are welcome, but unlike many other servers, with us everyone can get the complete game content without donations. Players’ comments are addressed: Do you have any suggestions for improvement? Bring it on. We like to listen to them and try to implement them. We run an FTB Infinity Evolved 2.6.0 server under can be reached. If you have any questions or problems, you can also visit us in the TS at MFG Euer CaballoCraft Team

    New Minecraft Server
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  • OleroCraft


    New Minecraft Servers

    Welcome to the OleroCraft network! SkyWars | Prison | SkyBlock | Factions | KitPvP Join the Olerocraft network and experience Minecraft the way you should have a long time ago. We offer addictive game-modes you and your friends will enjoy for hours! From Prison server to SkyWars, we offer it all. Staff constantly on the look out to help our community and YouTube stars making appearances every few months. Join Today and it will change your Minecraft life! – Noodles

    IP – Website – Store –

    New Minecraft Server
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  • GreenHaven Prison 1.6.4

    GreenHaven Prison 1.6.4

    New Minecraft Servers

    Server Address:

    GreenHaven is a prison server, where you earn money to rankup. Ranks are: – D-Prisoner – C-Prisoner – B-Prisoner – A-Prisoner – Free

    Each time you rankup, the block gets better, the mines have more ore in them, and there is less people around.

    For more info please visit: Website:

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Extronus Factions

    Extronus Factions

    New Minecraft Servers

    Extronus returns, better than ever! Classic Season 2 runs from September 10 till December 5. Check it out today!

    New Minecraft Server
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  • | MiniGames Hub | MiniGames Hub

    New Minecraft Servers | MiniGames Hub

    New Minecraft Server
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  • REDspin MC

    REDspin MC

    New Minecraft Servers

    RSMC is now a cooperative community server. We pool our resources and come together to build massive and elaborate structures for the whole server to use. You can see screenshots at

    Get whitelisted using the application form at

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Supreme Minecraft

    Supreme Minecraft

    New Minecraft Servers

    Really Good Server Owner:Rulerish You Can Semi-Raid TNT Is Allowed But The Blocks Will Be Fixed There Is Epic Boss’s U Can Kill Them For Their Loot Get Epic Items! Do Quests For Exp Items And Money Theres 17 Ranks! Theres Many Events Theres Free V.I.P For 7 Days

    New Minecraft Server
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    New Minecraft Servers

    NavalBattleZone is one of the most unique servers out there. We’re a Craftbukkit Minecraft server modded to emulate WW1 and WW2 naval warfare. Custom build your own ship, tanks, airplanes, helicopters and battle with them on the open sea, air, and more. YES THE VEHICLES MOVE AND HAVE WEAPONS. There is a Rank system to earn promotions to be able to build larger ship plots. Earn money rewards based on your rank and by sinking other players and automated merchants. Participate in moderated objective based battles. Use Factions to build your own team and base.

    New Minecraft Server
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  • NamelessMCGaming


    New Minecraft Servers

    Do you like pvp? mcmmo? factions? tnt run? Chances for staff daily? If u said yes to any of these join namelessmcgaming! We have a small staff and are looking to grow! We have fun mini games like the community favorite TNTRun! Want staff? Complete one of these tasks: A .gif banner stating our minigames, ip etc. join server and ask for details. Build an AMAZING never before seen spawn. Dont wait join now! BTW: The video is fake 🙂

    New Minecraft Server
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  • Axemania


    New Minecraft Servers

    A server that me and my friends made. There are many ranks and want to become a very huge server. Please help by join our server and if you like it maybe giving a donation to get a 24/7 server! We could use as much people as possible. And maybe give a suggestion, which is located at spawn! Server ip will change soon so beware of ip change. If you can connect go to pmc and look up axemania and i should update it right away

    New Minecraft Server
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